orangejuicemmm...For... Mr Virtual Universe :-)

Day 625, 04:22 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

Your Mr Virtual Universe has arrived.

Do not be afraid for he is kind.
Do not run away and whimper for he is here to help.
Do not attempt to critisise his ways for he will spite you down.
Do not try and beat him for he is stronger than you could ever imagine.
Do not revolt against him for he will only bring pain and suffering.
Do not make an effort to beat him in this competition for he has the wisdom of buddha, the body of chuck norris, the speed of usain bolt, the leadership of Barrack obama, the ryhmes of kanye west and the will to survive like bear grylls.

And his name is
*Drum role*


Thank you, Thank you yes its true im running for this years Mr Virtual Universe
and unlike my other contender:
Tayto, I am not a Potato. I am a glass of smooth, cold orangejuice thats everybody's favourite especially in the morning.
Thank you and good day.
May the best man win.
*cough* me *cough* *cough*