Operation Purge Canada

Day 1,294, 15:11 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Its here and most of you deserve to lose your country. To the rest of you are collateral damage in this War. You'll be betetr for it in the end.

All the crap in the courts and loopholes in the systems, Bickering in congress purge it all. Only when we have no country will none of it matter and there won't be a congress.

Move to Sweden and grind Canada into dust. If you can't bring yourself to do that I advise that you move to an allied country and help with there struggles. Many soldiers have lost faith in this nation as I have and have fled to fight for nations worth fighting for.

Leave Canada to rot in the bed it made itself. To poor to move well then don't fight the Swede's help with one of our MPP battles.

Brought to you by me.

A vote for Rolo was essentially a vote to tear the nation apart.

I'm not a traitor i'm helping the country to rid itself of a known criminal that robbed us of thousands of gold.

When and if Rolo's impeachment passes i'll resign my in game congress position and most likely leave the country.