Open letter to a Druid

Day 2,615, 08:47 Published in Canada Israel by gbr_blue

Exalted Druid wrote 3 hours ago
Put Canada back on the map against the back stabbing, and disgusting FYROM or at least keep our battle alive until our morning. Prince Edward Island RW. Do it!

Well, as we all know, a druid can summon a lot of troubles against a simple, poor eRep player. To avoid bad luck, evil eye, curses, sores and lethal pests, I have sold all my kibbutz shares and put some CO*s.

I have no idea if we will succeed and FYROM, as a former republic, will became a former unwanted guest. However, you mighty druid, please take in consideration my efforts and do not unleash your black powers against me.
As a sign of my goodwill, I send you my favorite slave to warship you.

Your humble fighter,
The J a.k.a. gbr_blue