On the way!

Day 2,479, 07:04 Published in Israel Israel by gbr_blue

My fellow citizens,

We are still on our way to a big, free and prosper eIsrael. I remember when I become an eIsrael citizen, I have found a country with only 1 regions and fighting hard for the second, with almost no money in the treasury and no MPPs.

Now we have 5 regions, a small but powerful bunch of MPPs, and a growing economy.
Due to a clever foreign and military policy (special thanks for NewSaver, Passos Coelho, FreeGigi, NFM and many more), we are digging again for something better (Metallica rules). On the internal front, I salute the presence of a lot of free spirits, making the atmosphere agreeable despite RL tension (special thanks here for Micky-general, admiral and galactic ruler-, Ahava, Persian Punisher, ArabWarlord and TaoLaoTzu).

In 2 days we will have to elect our CP for the next 30 days. On the behalf of the MEK party, I will candidate for this glorious yet difficult appointment.

My cabinet will consist from:
Prime Minister: New Faustian Man, the lord of politics
MoFA : FreeGigi, the diplomatic sorcerer
MoD : JMSPC, the warlord
MoE : Jessica Binai, the beauty of propaganda
Governor : New Saver, the moneymaker
Personal councilor: Passos Coelho, the brain

Regarding eIsrael future position in the eWorl😛 we are full LETO member and we will be until major changes will occur in this game. Respecting our brothers and allies even in hard times will make our position stronger, will consolidate our image as a hard target. Furthermore, our contacts with ASTERIA will be intensified, with results in MPP stack.
My view regarding economical environment is a liberal one: low taxes, avoiding state intervention in economy, helping private initiative with no-interest loans.
But the main problem of eIsrael is, unfortunately, the lack of the new comers. We desperate need a baby boom, and I am all open for ideas in this direction. Probably we will need to create a Minister of Demography, with a budget for newcomers help.

Lets walk together on our way!
