On Orders, Treason, and the Politicalization of MUs--Open Address to the C4 MU

Day 1,704, 17:02 Published in USA Canada by 5440

Here in the eUSA, we've come to see some MUs that are very political, such as the OWLS or the Sons of Liberty. In the world of political parties,it can be easy to become primarily associated with one's party members. This can be simplified by forming an MU and a party together as essentially a single entity. It seems that this can sometimes be a way to strengthen a group's bonds or political voice.

While there's nothing fundamentally wrong with this concept, that also doesn't necessarily mean that it's always the best choice for everyone.

One of the founding principles of the Cannon Cockers, as stated by Neron Trocki, is that an MU is "not a political tool".

We hope for our MU to not be used as a means of recruitment for political parties, as a place for political advertising, or anything of the sort.

Speaking personally, it's become my hope to be a part of a very apolitical MU. My goal is for it to be as if the me that's an eUS soldier, and the me that wants to be active in politics, are almost two seperate players most of the time. Recent events have made that very difficult however, and lines have been blurred. People are now abandoning their orders with a certain political purpose.

As we're all well aware by now, many eUS citizens have opted to fight against the eUS in the recent conflict. As Thomas Jefferson said "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants". Since there is no Civil War or violent coup option, this is what they feel is necessary. Many countries have been founded on revolution, so I don't know how much we can just write them off on that alone.

I simply just don't think that it's necessary, prudent, or patriotic enough to fight against the eUS here. Thus far, the CO and captains of C4 seem to agree with that sentiment. I hope that there never comes a time where I would feel it's necessary to fight against the eUS flag. I hope that I'll be able to stay true to fighting for my eCountry as a soldier, regardless of politics. Also, I don't think there're many eUS citizens on either side that consider this split to be good fortune.

I would hope that C4 members fight where their DO is set, most if not all of the time. Another point in Neron's original article is we "will follow DoD orders as much as possible". Needless to say, there are other MUs out there that can accomodate that happening less.

Be a conscientious objector if you must, but members fighting on opposite sides is counterproductive, and in no way ideal.

Members need not be absolute blind followers, but as we've seen with our country, a house divided against itself cannot stand. This is not to suggest that we're in any situation like that right now, but one must be wary of these things for the future. As/If we begin to get OMS funds, it will become moreso our duty and obligation to fight under the government's direct orders, which we don't seem to have a problem complying with. As a matter of fact, we've seen a lot of US support from our MU.

~Bombs away~

So long as I'm active and a member and intel officer of the Cannon Cockers, I'll be doing my best to help make us a successful MU.

I'm pleased to announce that in the battle of Manitoba, C4 took at least 6 BHs in D1 and D2(sorry Battlewatcher glitched on the 3rd mini, and I don't remember if anyone won there)

They are as follows:

Division 1 mini-battle 1- Al Bundy93
Division 2 mini-battle 1- yours truly
Division 1 mini-battle 2- Niko Rivero
Division 2 mini-battle 2- Goku391
Division 1 mini-battle 7- Stari12
Division 1 mini-battle 10- BeachBunny

2nd place honorable mentions- Havocpwn in D3 1st mini with almost 2 million damage
- Malpazar in D1 4th mini with 100k+ damage
- ax3lax in D2 8th mini with 1 million+ damage

Of course BHs aren't everything; every bit of damage counts. So thanks and congrats everyone. Regardless of the place or outcome, this is a showcase of our potential as an MU.

C4 the win