Older vs younger players

Day 1,198, 01:07 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ines Schumacher

Now that the Congress hype is over and we're gearing up for the Presidential elections, I'd like to take this opportunity to clear up this whole thing about older players vs younger players that people have been bringing up in articles.

I'd like to state categorically that none of us "old" players have returned to take over eSouth Africa and suppress newbies. Except Mr Kitty. He's nefarious.

^ Pretty nefarious if you ask me!

I find it ironic that the same players who raise the issue about older players returning as being some kind of bad thing are the exact same ones who I would consider old players, too. Anyone who was around when I was still around is old. End of story. The returning peeps such as Steven Bosch, Gabriel Borien (now playing under a name that sounds like a sound a bird makes), Oceanus, Zagarius and Co may be oldER, but I think it's time for the critics to take a look in the mirror. Oprah Winfrey, Champinator and Sam Gibz have all voiced concern about how many old players are returning - I've known you guys for a long time. What makes you any different from me?

I recently left the game because my laptop was stolen, but before that I left the game of my own free will because I was sick and tired of the antagonism some people showed me and people like me. The word elitist was created by people who wanted our country PTOed and wiped off the map. Why are we using it against each other now? I returned last month because I was asked for help in strengthening eSouth African society - and so were many others. We came back because we were told we were needed - not because we all met secretly in our "elitist" headquarters and decided to be party poopers.

I have full respect for the fact that other players may be younger but have been running the country successfully for the time I wasn't here (and even when I was here). I have no intention of taking over and throwing sand in the face of the "babies" to spoil their fun. I'm here to give advice and my vote.

So just chill out and let's all work together to get this country to be the best it can be.