O masa calda / A free meal

Day 3,622, 12:13 Published in Romania Romania by blackwiz

O masa calda

Proiectul nu e unul care imi apartine.
Acest proiect a fost conceput/inceput acum cativa ani de catre cateva persoane cu suflet mare din Cluj-Napoca. Acum se deruleaza in 4 orase.
Scopul a fost, si este, acela de a oferi persoanelor nevoiase o masa calda, o data pe saptamana, o data pe saptamana pentru ca posibilitatile financiare sunt destul de limitate, ele depinzand excusiv de potentialii sponsori, de persoanele dispuse sa isi aloce cateva ore pe zi, in fiecare saptamana pentru gatit si pentru impartirea mancarii.
Acum, aici, in acest joc, sunt foarte multe persoane care isi permit sa arunce zeci de euro pentru plato, eu sunt curios cati dintre ei sunt dispusi sa contribuie la acest proiect. Nu cu zeci de euro, nu cu sute! Cu atat cat e nevoie ca acei oameni nevoiasi sa poata beneficia macar de o masa calda pe saptamana! Un leu, un euro, oricat credeti voi ca puteti dona si de cat va puteti lipsi!
Eu, si toti cei care vor beneficia de ajutorul vostru, va multumim anticipat!
Detalii gasiti pe pagina de facebook O masa calda sau la adresa O masa calda.

A free meal

This project does not belong to me.
It was started several years ago by a couple of prople with big hearts in Cluj-Napoca. Now it’s implemented in 4 cities.
It’s purpoise was, and still is to give away once a week free food to poor people. Just a meal a week because there are limited financial resources, entirely depending on potential sponsors and also on volunteers willing to spend their time cooking and sharing the plates.
Now, here on this game, there are a lot of players that can afford to throw away tens of euro for plato, but I will like to know how many of them could help this project, not with tens or hundreds of euros but with as much as they can afford, so that the poor could still get at least one free meal a week. Every leu or euro could help, as much as you can afford!
I and all the people you could help, thank you!
More details on the facebook page - O masa calda or on the page O masa calda.

no, numa bine!