Oтчет на дейността ми като депутат от 25.12.2011 - 15.01.2012г.

Day 1,517, 01:26 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Tsvetoslav Vassilev

Съжалявам, че ви пиша отчета сега, бях обещал да пиша всяка седмица, но времето не ми позволява, за което се извинявам.
За тези 21 дена в парламента вреше и кипеше от мнения,около основната тема, според мен, за това правителство - референдума за приемането на Турция в ЕДЕН.
Всеки, който желае да понаучи повече по тази тема и като цяло за еБългария може да го направи от тук:
Давам ви отчет за всички закони пуснати от това правителство(вкючително и от мен) и как аз съм гласувал. Повечето от тях са рутинни закони и се гласуват с ДА.

Ето го и списъка:

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

Tax change: Weapons VAT 10% --> 7%? - Yes

President of Chile proposed a mutual protection pact with Bulgaria? - Yes

President of Australia proposed a mutual protection pact with Bulgaria - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

President of Bulgaria proposed a mutual protection pact with India - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

Аз пуснах:
Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

Tax change: Weapons VAT 7%-->5% - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

Poland has been proposed as Natural Enemy. - Yes

President of Canada proposed a mutual protection pact with Bulgaria - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

President of Bulgaria proposed a mutual protection pact with Portugal - Yes

President of Russia proposed a mutual protection pact with Bulgaria - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

Slovakia has been proposed as Natural Enemy. - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

President of Bosnia and Herzegovina proposed a mutual protection pact with Bulgaria - Yes

President of Bulgaria proposed a mutual protection pact with France - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

Austria has been proposed as Natural Enemy. - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

President of Colombia proposed a mutual protection pact with Bulgaria -Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

Slovenia has been proposed as Natural Enemy. - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

President of Bulgaria proposed a mutual protection pact with USA - Yes

President of Bulgaria proposed a mutual protection pact with Netherlands - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

President of Bulgaria proposed a mutual protection pact with Romania - Yes

President of Switzerland proposed a mutual protection pact with Bulgaria - Yes

President of Bulgaria proposed a mutual protection pact with Croatia - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

President of Bulgaria proposed a mutual protection pact with Cyprus - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

President of Israel proposed a mutual protection pact with Bulgaria - Yes

Do you agree to transfer 99999 BGN from the country accounts to Bulgarian National Bank? - Yes

Това е списъка с хората, които съм одобрил за гражданство (CS):

Approved for CS:
Mekong Whisky
Khight of shadows

Пазя си повечето гражданства, за момента, когато повечето депутати няма да имат, а ще се налага да даваме на важн хора.

Благодаря ви за вниманието!