November: My latest PP run and RL Veteran's Day!

Day 721, 10:07 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

Greetings CvP members and other citizens of the new world!

As I write this, the RL USA is preparing for Veteran's Day on the 11th. Knowing a lot of veterans (not to mention being the child of one), I wanted to give a quick shout out to any veterans who happen to play eRepublik. I hope you all have a wonderful Veteran's Day, and I thank you for what you've done for us! And to any currently serving members of the RL military, I wish you good luck and happy days!

Now on to business: my November run for party president. Much of my platform remains the same as last month, so more detail can be found in my previous articles, but I will cover a few points of major importance again.

First off, we need an active leadership and active membership! Other parties don't have one person doing all the work, and neither should the CvP. It is my desire to reform the Party Council, and to create an entire cadre of volunteer officers to assist in helping the party grow and better itself. This is a social strategy game, and this party needs a bit more of a social atmosphere to it!

Secondly, recruiting is a major concern. We need to make sure that, at the least, we don't fall behind the other parties. This past month the Federalist Party surpassed the United Independents Party to take the 5th place slot in the eUS. While we congratulate the Feds on their roaring success (I've been rooting for them since December of last year when they had less than 100 members!), we don't want the CvP to fall behind the Feds and the UIP to take the 6th place spot. Additionally, I'd like to see us regain our 3rd place spot we enjoyed before the invasion of the eUS.

Next I want to see us bring back a modicum of sanity and fellowship to Congressional elections. Too often lately, we've seen partisan idiocy taking precedence over quality in Congressmen. Instead of trying to control all 51 seats in Congress by promoting two-clickers or do-nothings, we should concentrate on getting a decent number of quality candidates into Congress. Already I have talked to numerous people in other parties who also want to see a bit of reason brought back into the elections.

Finally, I want to say that despite the bumpy road behind and ahead of us, I want to see the CvP continue to move forward. We haven't stopped so far, and I don't intend to do so now. Now we finally have a chance to move beyond the past and into the future of eRepublik. The entire eworld around us is changing, and I would like the CvP to help lead the charge into that brave new world. See what I did there? XD

Conservative Party President hopeful

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"
"Who watches the watchers?"