Notice of Departure

Day 4,687, 00:21 Published in USA Poland by Shaymin0000

I want to preface this by admitting that I haven't been particularly active within eRep, even back when I first started, so this may not matter that much to some. I first became active in 2013, and after a break returned sometime a year or two ago (it's hard to remember), and in that time I've seen some odd bickering before and a lot of demagoguery from certain players that generally brings down the mood of the entire game but has never really been enough to drive me away for good.

However, having seen (a bit too late) what transpired in regards to Aeri and Groot, I think I've finally hit my breaking point for this game. The one thing keeping me tethered here was the vague sense of "community" that, even if I wasn't an active member of it presently, I could enjoy and feel welcome, regardless of how much of a pay-to-win slog the actual "game" was or became. Seeing a fellow trans person be chased out of that community by our most recent unwelcome demagogue reflects poorly on both the flimsy systems of this game and on the state of the community around it, and I don't want a part in it anymore.

To Groot and his lackeys, (and I say this with all of the respect and admiration that this phrase suggests) get fucked. I'd say that maybe you could learn how to be decent people, but even suggesting that is a waste of time.

Shoutouts to PigInZen and Derphoof and Rainy and anyone else that stood with Aeri. You deserve a better game than this. You deserve a better community than this.

Maybe someday if this game gets better I'll come back. For now, I'm not counting on it.
