Norsfire: Let the Revolution Begin

Day 1,184, 16:19 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy

Greetings Singapore, this is logan Dunleavy high chancellor of the eSingapore Norsfire Party with a special message.

Norsfire, an introduction:

You may at this point be asking what is Norsfire, Norsfire is the newest party in eSingapore. We stand for strength through unity and unity through faith what this means is that in order for Singapore to be strong we must unite once and for all as one peoples and one nation, under one truly efficient and centralized functional government. In order for this unity to exist we must have faith, this faith is not faith in Dio or Zammuel or the Admin but faith in us as a people, we must have the faith that we are strong, and have within us the ability to do whatever it is, we can with this believe usher in a grand era of triumph and greatness Singapore.

You say you want a revolution:

My fellow countrymen, our nation has been infiltrated by tratiors. These people wish to open the gates of our boundless fortressed nation to the barbarians who seek to destroy us. I won't stand for it, will you? It is high time we the people, stand up and take back this nation and expel those who wish to betray us. We must form the strong government and establish our nation to it's rightful place.

Join the revolution Singapore

-Until next time.