No Name Event rewards

Day 5,729, 03:35 Published in Romania Romania by gradinaru

Pentru limba română, apasă tasta 1. Pentru maghiară, apasă Log Out.
Between Day 5726 00:00 and Day 5731 00:00 you will have the opportunity to earn extra rewards! This special event will boost the rewards for Battle Heroes and Sky Heroes.

Each day brings a different reward boost, so make sure to check the popup that appears upon entering the game to discover the enticing rewards available for that day.

This is your chance to maximize your efforts on the ground and in the skies, and reap even greater benefits. You can also "borrow" the strength of your elder comrades to balance the scales. Equip yourself, plan your strategy, and battle your way to riches.

Once a request has been sent, the donor has 2h to accept. A single request can be sent every 2h so make sure that players are willing to switch strength before you send the request.

Day 5,726 (July 25th, 2023)
Battle Hero - 4x more gold for each medal won for the winning side.
Mission available for 24 hours until 5,726 23:59.
Sky Hero medal rewards are not affected! Winning side still receives 10 gold!

Day 5,727 (July 26th, 2023)
Sky Hero - 2x more gold for each medal, for each side of the battle.
Battle Hero and Campaign Hero medal rewards are not affected!
Mission available for 24 hours until 5,727 23:59.

Day 5,728 (July 27th, 2023)
Campaign Hero - 40x more gold for each medal.
Sky Hero and Battle Hero medal rewards are not affected!
Mission available for 24 hours until 5,728 23:59.

Day 5,729 (July 28th, 2023)
Battle Hero - 4x more gold for each medal won for the each side in a battle.
Sky Hero and Campaign Hero medal rewards are not affected!
Mission available for 24 hours until 5,729 23:59.

Note: Starting Day 5729, you gain extra energy for a limited time if you buy Energy bars for 5€. The pack contains 10 double neergy bars + 5 temporary triple energy bars.