Next Time I run for PrEz...

Day 3,916, 17:15 Published in Canada Canada by Natster

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Next time I run.

I have some ideas and maybe some will catch.

Idea :
1) Re-institute and encourage "sweat-factories"
Why? The game is slanted economically to favour no wages.
The lower the minimum wage and the lower average wage from the workers will directly influence the cost of WAM. As a consequence, we can sell on market for higher profits.

What will this look like?
Incentivize Company owners to reduce workers to minimum wage and pay in tanks (at least 10 per day). Incentive: Cover cost of buying WRM on open market.

workers can then sell the tanks or use them in battles. It'll be more profitable then wages as the take home is higher for employees.

2) Depending on finances: run c/o's to encourage fighting across the board. We will do a couple of small runs to determine the sweet spot to make us the most effective in battles to enable more wins in wars.

3) using my cheddar
I really don't need money; I've been playing a long time and have some solid employees working for me. If you join my company, I pay well (10 tanks + min. wage and random bonuses). I'm also sitting on a pile of gold and a ton of money so you won't have to worry about me stealing country resources. I have no need of them.

What I'll nee😛

A good General: I like foxfire because I have worked with, for and been with a long time. I can trust him to do reports and work with military units to provide reports so we can aide in everyone being successful. This comes as a sideways thing as I haven't approached him yet, but when I do, if he's too busy, I'll consider another.

An good accountant:
Someone who can give me a weekly report of the status of the economy and keep me posted on the affairs.

A press guy:
A person who I can say write something about xyz. Also our accountant and general will keep him/her up to date and they can write a report about affairs.

Finally :
A foreign affairs person. Someone who can network and communicate with our allies.

For all these positions, as they are time intensive, I believe we should pay each person in charge of these positions at least 1 gold/week (this is a proposal at this time).

These are what I believe will make a stronger E-canada.
BTW, when I run for president next, I'll send a scrn shot of my profile to show that I'm not lying.