Neweralites I'm Back ...

Day 2,035, 07:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Winston S Churchill

First off big well done to Wigibob , after many months he has taken the top job for the top party in the UK, you must be proud and I hope you enjoy your month.

After creating a new party the Freemasons, New Era's king of the media is back !

What a dull time it has been without my insight, I have been giving most of you a easy ride but as slim shady said ,I'm Back I'm Back !

Before I ask question's of the government and the running of the eUK, I have some food stacked up , so Neweralites, Freemasons, British Army and the Royal Air Force members comment below and get some food sent to you.

You will be glad to here a non sheep will be keeping an eye on the government and will hold minsters account by their actions. I will be asking question on the Bank of England and what has been going on , and why UK members are happy not knowing what is going on with the tax's they pay ! but let's leave that until next week !

I was member 250 when I rejoined so I will send out 250 q3 food just comment below ! Join us here, don't be a puppet or a sheep get your voice heard, don't let people in power control you , ask questions as you don't know what is going on behind closed doors !