New Period: BOT Age

Day 1,285, 01:03 Published in Turkey USA by Yavuz Sultan Selim

Last several months, we are in a new period of the game. BOT Age. Especially, right after these recent major changes in the game, the whole thing got out of proportion. It was the last stroke, whenever BOT started the purchase Q3 tickets from market over 100-150CM.
Since BOT is a part of this game life, we need to learn how to live with him.
First of all lets talk about how we will understand if there is a BOT in the market.

The big fluctuations at the bread or weapon prices at the market. If the price of Q5 weapon goes up to 5-6CM in a short time period, that means BOT purchased all the weapons less than its set value.

So many people comes with different theories about these situations and they comment on it and try to explain these reasons with real life economical reasons. My recommendation will be; If these theories foresees more than 1-2 days, simply don't take them seriously. The main factor here is the BOT. He will simply appear and make all these theories invalid.

In this kind of uncertain times, the people who makes smart decisions are the ones who will succeed.
Lets investigate our defense mechanism agains BOT:
The key point is to sell the bread or weapons that we have when the BOT is around.

1- It is good to have some good amount of cash in hand. This way we dont need to sell all our produced materials. We can use our extra cash to purchase raw materials or pay the salaries.

2- Good portion of the produced materials need to be stocked. They will be sold when the BOT is around and the profit will be great.

This system involving stocking materials doesn't hurt the economy of the countries. In fact we are producing more than the need of the whole world population. The point here is selling the extra material to BOT.

In this new BOT age, if someone makes predictions about economy, he is simply shooting randomly. Right now BOT is deciding the game economy. We can still profit this situation with smart moves.

I wish profitible and healthy days to everyone.
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