New Citizen In eAlbania [ENG/ALB]

Day 2,118, 08:16 Published in Albania Israel by Admiral General Mickey
New Citizen in eAlbania

Dear eAlbanians Citizens.
Before I Start, I would Like to Present Myself.

My name is Miki, I am Living in Israel in Real Life, Currently a Student.
I have been playing eRepublik For a Year and Half (I had another user in the past).
During My game-play i was an eIsraeli Citizen.
I was eIsrael’s Minister Of Education For 8 Months, and eIsrael’s CP in the Last Month.
I have an Experience in almost Every Domain in the game: Politics, Military, Economy and Media.

Today My Citizenship Application in eAlbania has Been Accepted.
Big thanks to Endritt Zekka for the good words he has said about me!
I Decided to move from eIsrael To eAlbania for some reasons:
The main Reason is things i’ve heard about eAlbania’s community.
Another Reason is that i like Albanians and i would like to be one of them.
I hope i can succeed to Fit In on this amazing Community.
So, if you want to help me, send me a Friend Request 😉

I am new in eAlbania but Not in The Game.
Because i am going to have some holidays during this month, i would like to help as much as i can to eAlbania.
I am not asking for a political Role or something big, but an opportunity to help.
There is much things i can help with, especially in the management domain.
I am a big fan of Google Docs, i use it for almost everything i do.
I built many files in the last months which can really help to the management of this country.
As a former President, i can say that a comfort and Organized Work-Space is a key for success. I also have some good ideas for projects that can strengthen the citizens. If Needed, I can be an Ambassador to eIsrael.
I am not saying to use my ideas or files, i just making a suggestions.

So as i said, i would like to help in everything i can in every way possible.
My English is not the best but i am trying to improve it as much as i can.

Thanks For Reading My Article.
I am very Proud to be an eAlbanian.
I wanted to be Albanian Citizen since i started to play.

Best Regards, Miki.

Qytetar i ri ne eShqiperi

Te dashur qytetar te eShqiperise
Para se te filloj,do doja ta prezantoja veten

Une quhem Miki.Une jetoj ne Izrael ne jeten reale,momentalisht nxenes.
Une jam duke luajtur Erepublik qe 1 vit e gjysem(kisha edhe nje llogari tjeter ne te kaluaren)
Deri me tani isha qytetar i eIzraelit
Une isha Minister i Edukimit ne eIzrael per 8 muaj,dhe CP i eIzraelit muajin e kaluar
Une kam pervoje ne pothuajse qdo fushe te lojes😛olitike,Ushtri,Ekonomi dhe gazetari.

Sot aplikimi per shtetesi ne eShqiperi me eshte pranuar.
Nje falenderim te madh per Endritt Zekka per fjalet e mira qe u ka thene per mua.
Une vendosa te leviz nga eIzraeli per ne eShqiperi per disa arsye.
Arsyeja kryesore jane gjerat qe kam degjuar per komunitetin shqiptar.
Nje arsye tjeter eshte sepse une i dua shqipetaret dhe do doja te isha njeri prej tyre.
Shpresoj se do te pershtatem me sukses ne kete komunitet te mrekullueshem.
Pra nese doni te me ndihmoni,me dergoni nje kerkese shoqerie.

Une jam i ri ne eShqiperi por jo ne loje.
Do te kem disa pushime gjate ketij muaji keshtu qe do te doja te ndihmoja sa me shume eShqiperine.
Nuk jam duke kerkuar per ndonje pozite ne politike apo diqka te madhe,por nje mundesi per te ndihmuar.
Ka shume gjera me te cilat mund te ju ndihmoje,veqanarisht ne fushen e menagjimit.
Une jam nje “tifoz” i madh i Google Docs,i perdori ata per pothuajse qdo gje.
Kam krijuar shume dokumente ne muajt e kaluar ,te cilat mund ti ndihmojne drejtuesit e ketij shteti.
Si nje ish-president,mund te them se komforti dhe puna e organizuar eshte qelesi i suksesit.Une poashtu kam disa ide te mira per projekte qe mund te forcojne qytetaret.Nese eshte e nevojshme une mund te jem ambasador ne eIzrael.
Une nuk po them qe ti perdorni idete apo dokumentet e mia,por vetem po sygjeroj.

Siq thashe une do te deshiroja te ndihmoja ne qdo gje qe mundem ne qdo menyre te mundshme.
Anglishtja ime nuk eshte e mire,por jam duke u perpjekur ta permiresoj ate sa me shume qe mundem.

Faleminderit qe e lexuat artikullin tim.
Jam shume krenar te jem shqipetar
Une doja te behesha qytetar i eShqiperise qe kur fillova lojen

Gjitha te mirat,Miki.

Thanks For Endritt Zekka For the Translation !