My Declaration for Viceroy

Day 3,254, 19:48 Published in USA USA by WhydoIbotherToo

Good day Feds and those of you that should just go ahead and join the Feds. I am here to ask you to vote for me to be the next Viceroy of the Federalist Party. I am nowhere near as swag as Tenshibo, our current Viceroy, but I am sure going to do my best to keep things entertaining.

What does the Fed Viceroy do, you ask? The Viceroy is in charge of bringing attention to the Feds wonderful programs and spread the Pride and Horniness of our great party to the fine folks that have yet to see the light and just joined our merry band.

I would like to outline some of the current programs our party has to offer.

It Pays to be Active: This program pays YOU to be an active contributor. Post comments on Official Fed Media, comment on specific party wall posts, be active on the Fed Forum, and you get PAID! Thank you fingerguns for this great idea!

Fed Awards: Win the adoration of your fellow Federalists and win an award and cash prize!

No Fed Left Behin😛 You get 120 q5 food and 10 tanks a day. New players or those that are in need can request via a form as long as you are a party member in good standing.

See, Feds have fun programs and we have a great forum! You should join us and while you are there, vote for me as Viceroy.