Murderous Villain Test

Day 2,944, 21:11 Published in Australia Australia by Septimius Maximinus
Murderous Villain Test
Which Murderous Villain Resembles You the Most?
This free online 45-question personality test will allow you to compare yourself with the personalities of 20 murderous dictators and terrorists, using a hybrid of the scientific "Big Five" measure of personality and the cognitive theories of C.G. Jung. Furthermore, this test will also match your personality scores with peer-reviewed university studies.
Osama Bin Laden

Personality Match
Like Osama Bin Laden, you are mild-mannered, soft-spoken, and courteous in dealing with people, but you believe so strongly in your own ideas that you can become downright fanatical at times. It is not that you want to push your ideas through at the expense of others. Your conviction is charismatic and so you have the power to inspire others to pursue your goals. Use it wisely!
Words of Warning
Points to consider for people with your personality
- have you ever:
Been so obsessed with reciprocity in all your relations that your sense of fairness and justice got in the way of a working relationship with someone, causing you to make enemies where there need not be any?

Invested so much of your powers of judgment in a given ideology or system that you followed it blindly, even when it led to making senseless decisions?

Led others to believe that they had a very special and sincere friend in you and then neglected to follow up on the commitments you had implied?

Accepted an outstretched hand that was offered in the spirit of compromise, knowing full well that you would never be satisfied with the middle ground?

Applied your own personal morality to the affairs of friends and loved ones, as if it were the only conceivable code of ethics?

Delved so deeply into singular aspects of a problem that interested you that you neglected to form an overall, more pragmatic picture of the question under scrutiny?

Scientific Research
According to studies from Cambridge University (UK) and Texas AM University (US), your scores indicate that you are:
More deliberate and thorough in your actions than the average person.
Someone who is more reserved in social situations than the average person.
Someone who has an easier time concentrating for long periods of time than the average person.
Someone who likes to take more time to size people up and get to know them before you open up than the average person.
Likely to have a richer vocabulary than the average person.
Likely to be more knowledgeable than the average person on political and societal issues.
Likely to have a quicker understanding of abstract concepts and ideas than the average person.
More likeable, warm, and trusting than the average person.
More likely than the average person to think in terms of "win-win" and to compromise as a means of settling disputes.
Someone who forgives more easily than the average person and who gives more to charities than the average person.
Someone who feels more concern for others and who sympathizes more with the feelings of others than the average person.