Mummy and Daddy Admin say Bad Kiwi

Day 721, 02:01 Published in USA South Africa by kiwifire1

My dear tender hearts of eRepublik. Today thanks to the Admin I have turned over a new leaf. I have been censured due to Law #3 vulgar language. I cannot repeat the vile statement I made as I do not want to make mummy and daddy admins mad at me again.

I will tell you the naughty statement have made referred to the poor "ladies of the night that may have a STD” I posted the article in two of the most un-war like and lovable ecoutires in the eworld. Hungray an Indonesia. I’m sure that the outstanding citizens of these two first class nations told mummy and daddy admins on me. I’m so sorry.....*sniffs, tear rolls down cheek* I’mmmm sorrryyyy
From now on I will promise to be a good eRepubilk citizen and will be full of PC love for all my fellow eRepublik citizens. I will obey mummy and daddy Admins and will not speak out of turn as I don’t want my little rosie bottom to be smacked again. Can mummy and daddy smack me still? Or is that against the rules as it might affect my e-up bringing.

I would like the war module removed also as the very thought of violence and ewar offends every morale, loving and caring fibre in my little frail body. I want a giant park full of trees and flowers where we can all sit in a circle and discuss how we can love our fellow citizens more than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow.

I love you guys and please, smile for me and my mommy and daddy, the Admin.
Group Hug