Minister of Information? Really?

Day 872, 04:14 Published in South Africa USA by Merle Corey

As many of you have read, I have been apointed to Greyhuner's Cabinet as Minister of Information.
This is despite my rather (erm) spotty record of publication, and my (erm again) terse style of writing, as well as a complete lack of cat-pictures.
After my selection, Greyhunter was asked by the crack eSA Medical Staff to "take a couple aspirin" as he clearly hadn't yet recovered from his round of post-election-victory partying.

The current Ministry of information staff is as follows:
Deputy Minister Fhaemita Maloderous is completing a major rewrite of the South Africa pages on the erepublik wiki.

Our new Political Correspondent, Mr Wet, is on assignment, and will be bringing his own special brand of aquatic journalism to the ministry.

There are open positions for those who want to help out. Contact me if you are interested.

In actual news:
South Africa attacked and conquered Western Cape from Argentina, and our staunch ally Australia conquered both KZN and Eastern Cape.
A simultaneous Resistance War in Gauteng was unsuccessful. Thanks to all who fought for South African sovereignty.

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eSA Ministry of Defence
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As always, thanks for reading.
-merle corey