MI Spotlight - Spamgobbler & Kitmen

Day 1,793, 21:43 Published in USA USA by Heather Fuchs
Welcome to a special issue of the Mobile Infantry Spotlight!

For this issue, the current Press Director, Kitmen, interviewed the previous Press Director, Spamgobbler. In doing so, they remembered a lost unpublished interview of Kitmen done in November last year!

So we will now present both Press Directors interviews of each other!

Mobile Infantry Spotlight


Spamgobbler is a pediatrician living in New York. He is a husband, father and Quarter Master. So in addition to taking care of his son, his dog, and his home, he finds time to feed and equip the raving hordes of the MI who swarm QMs like bees to the scent of honey. Spam likes to train for and take part in triathlons in his spare time, making his time even more valuable.

Let’s ask some questions of Spam before he is pulled back to dolling out supplies to MI troopers.

Q: What are your roots in the Mobile Infantry, and how did you become a Quarter Master?

A: I started out in the TC, graduated basic with honors, and then moved to the MI in March of 2010 under Marcus Reid in Charlie 6. Becoming PXO later that month, Marucs left in June and I took over as PCO of C6 for a while. Then the Press Officer position opened up and I was promoted and assigned as Press Officer. At the same time I also held down PCO of Charlie 7 whose Lt. had gone inactive, and then was full time PO after that. And then PO got to be too demanding of my brainpower, but I wanted to continue to serve the MI, so when a QM position opened up I applied for it and moved to QM.

Q: Do you enjoy being a QM? What is your favorite part?

A: I like having a job that helps out the MI on a daily basis where I can still serve the MI without having to be creative; I don't have people to motivate, I just give out stuff.

Q: Is there anyone in your time in the MI who you think influenced you greatly?

A: GoalieBCSC and Cbowmom were my primary influences, Goalie for choosing me as PO and Mom before that when she was my CXO just for being active and enthusiastic and really helping me enjoy the MI, and Goalie for all the hard work he put into the MI when he was CO.

Q: Do you think it is interesting being interviewed by the same person you once interviewed?

A: Yes, especially in light of the fact that I never got around to publishing your interview, did I? I think it's sitting somewhere on a flash drive in a drawer somewhere.

Q: What is your favorite kind of pie?

A: Pecan, hands down. I will eat that until I puke, I also enjoy the shakiness of my hands that starts after my third piece. It's best with cinnamon or vanilla bean ice cream.

That was former Press Director, and current QM Major Spamgobbler. Now on to the 11 month old interview of Kitmen!


Q: When did you start playing eRepublik? How did you get into the game (what connection)?

A: According to my profile it was April 7th, 2010 when I started. I joined out of sheer boredom by clicking a link on another site.

Q: How did you get involved in the eUS Military?

A: I read an article encouraging people to join, so I signed up with the TC, figured I could help out.

Q: Why did you join the MI?

A: I was requested by the MI, still not sure who asked for me.

Q: Tell us about your MI career.

A: Well, It's really been a short time since I got here, but since that time I was placed in Alpha 3 under NecromanMMO, he took a liking to me somehow and I made PXO. After Necro made his way to CCO of Bravo, I inherited A3. After a good time as PCO of A3, which I thoroughly loved every second of, I was offered CXO of Bravo, I guess it's true what they say about friends in high places. That's where I've been, we'll see where I go.

Q: What was your favorite V1 moment?

A: Probably working for a guy, I can't remember his name anymore, but he was a cool fella. He's dead now, never made it to V2.

Q: Favorite V2 moment?

A: Can't say I have one.

Q: Favorite officer?

A: I try to not play favorites.

Q: Cake or Pie?

A: Pie, to answer anything else is blasphemy.

Q: Favorite opponent, if you have one?

A: Can't say I have one.

Q: If you could change one thing about this game, what would it be?

A: Taking away the 15,000 multis that the Serbs have.

And there you have it, Kitmen’s and Spamgobbler’s interviews of each other!

Keep a watch out for the next MI Spotlight!

If your strength is at least 500 and your battlefield rank is Lieutenant or higher (or you can do at least 100 influence per fight barehanded) ...and if you like pie as much as we do, you too could be a member of the Mobile Infantry!!!

Lieutenant Colonel Kitmen
Press Director
eUS Mobile Infantry