Merciless Politics

Day 3,560, 13:34 Published in USA USA by Dariuswolff

Politicians relentlessly weaving webs of lies. Is that what we have come to accept as the new normal in this eCountry? And does it matter that it isn't just this eCountry, it seems to be every eCountry. Where did the concepts of justice, honor and integrity go? One leader portrays her or himself as the only savior that will lead us back to a golden era of peace and prosperity, only to sell us out at the very first and every opportunity that presents itself. Wars funded by slaves, er, I mean tax payers, at exorbitant cost, at the expense of their retirements, health benefits, education and the most modest of social services, with profits from these wars going into the pockets of the well connected friends of politicians we elected to protect us and to save us from the certain destruction of our society by internal decay, rot brought on by the neglect of those we have entrusted with the power to make changes that could benefit our society as a whole.

This is a rant. I offer no solutions unless they include bringing back the guillotine with it's associated reign of terror. We have, as a people suffered unjust prosecutions while holding our political leaders immune from the just and true punishments they so richly deserve.

Grow a back bone, dear eCitizen and seize power back into your collective hands, give the corrupt politicians a hard booting to the ass at the very least. Better yet, the idea of mass arrests of those politicians and the lackeys who support them would go far to salve the bruises that we, as a people ashamedly display to each other and to anyone who might, for at least an instant be interested in seeing. We can even show you how readily this unearned abuse is heaped against us, but yet, nobody dares to shout "desist" for fear of the vast machinery of government and the punishments it and the political class is able to mete out.

As always, please have a great day.