May your Monday be ...

Day 1,749, 11:52 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by MadelineJoshua

Good evening rogue citizens of eSwiss Confederation ,

Before our topic of today I would like to wish you something :

I think this should be a great line for Monsieur Guillontine .


One day left until the Presidential elections and we are in danger to have only one candidate at the elections . We want options , we want at least two candidates .


Isn't there anyone else who is ready and qualified for a 1 month leadership ?
Does the other parties have a say ?

Even if I ( & the rest ) endorse Lotus Black's candidacy to Switzerland Presidential Seat it would be great to have two candidates . It could also be a lesson for the party and the participants . We could prepare future candidates , teaching them how to organize a successful political campaign .

Ouvrir la porte aux abus ?

It's not the democratic way to have a single candidate to Presidential elections . When you have no opponents you tend to relax , not to fight and work enough for your position . It is common, since you have no political opponents . Even if we should integrate new people in the "system" , I like too see mostly the same team . Reforms can't be made in just one month and when new persons come to the leadership of different institutions they come with new and different ideas .

Having no political opponents leads to abuses .
Party leaders should involve more in CP elections and preparing candidates.

PS : We have a RW at this time . We don't need to re-conquer our region , we must only show the world our strong side.
PSS : I hope that Lotus Black will clear the Macedonia deal and choose path the path of neutrality . An alliance is not just about the name , it's about a bond .

Don't forget to +hink Swiss ,
Madeline Joshua