
Day 1,769, 08:44 Published in Canada Canada by Mochan Drust

Every man have several masks in the closet. Every man always wears a mask, but which one depends on occasion. No matter how much we try, we simply cannot take off our mask and reveal ourselves to anyone. We will be vulnerable. We will be exposed.

We have a mask for our parents, friends, wives/girlfriends, enemies etc. We cheat, we lie, we do anything to assure our own safety and comfort. Why is that ? Answer is simple. We are humans. It is in our nature.

Perfect person does not exist. Perfection does not exist. We all make mistakes. We all have different opinions. Reality is that there will always be some sort of conflict between people with different opinions. Why ? Once again, answer is simple. We are humans. It is in our nature.

This is just a game. But even so this is an image of us from the real world. We represent in this game the real and true image of us, that is hidden in the real world by our numerous masks. Why? For the third time, answer is simple. Our anonymity is our mask.

Yes, we are humans and we do make mistakes, but people who admit when they are wrong and ask for forgivness are the ones that are worth our trust and our admiration.

Yes, we are humans and we are not perfect, but there are people who admit that they are not flawless and they do their best to show the world their positive side and deafeat the negative one.

Yes, we are humans and we do hide behind our anonymity, but people who dare to take their mask off and risk to be hurt and beaten down are the ones who deserve our full respect.

Yes, this is just a game, so let's make it much more playable.
No masks, just the pure truth.

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