Many Things

Day 262, 12:00 Published in USA USA by Royamen

Repost so that more people can have a chance to read it.

Dear readers, writers and thinkers, welcome to the new and improved Truth. Ok, its really not that different. Thanks to all who engaged in our first writing contest. Once we get 4 more subscribers I will formulate the next competition. I'm very excited to bring you more cultural and writing genius, for I know there's a lot of people out there who are good at what they do, much better then me, in my humble opinion.

So, today, if you comment tell us your thoughts on the new emphasis on cultural and writing in our government and the public at large. Do you think the media will be improved by the attention, or simply muddied with elitist experts who think they know what they're doing?

To all those who are running for their party's presidency, I wish you good luck and blessings all. It seems as though they'll be lots of re-elections, but you can never predict these things completely. Let the "who you know, now what you know" begin. No dear readers, I'm not cynical at all.

Finally, many things are happening with me in this world, and I will talk about it more in the future. Remember, on Sunday we have a break, so you can breath and I can rest my fingers.

Until Next Time, Royamen