Lotto Week 4!

Day 2,752, 14:20 Published in Ireland Ireland by Tara C

So unfortunately, our last lotto week until further notice had no winner by the bonus ball.

The number this week was 19, and no one had it.

So like what I said in last weeks article, I'd put everyone in a randomiser list and click it whatever the ball number is amount of times.

So the list started off like this, going in order of which ball each person chose :

- James Connolly - 1
- James Connolly - 2
- ChewChewShoe - 3
- James Connolly - 4
- Aoife NiBhriain - 5
- Noggin the Nog - 6
- Tara C - 7
- ChewChewShoe - 8
- Noggin the Nog - 9
- Noggin the Nog - 10
- Aoife NiBhriain - 15
- Tara C - 18
- Aoife NiBhriain - 25
- Winston Hope Smith - 26
- Winston Hope Smith - 27
- Tara C - 28
- Winston Hope Smith - 30
- ChewChewShoe - 31
- Liam Tatlock - 43
- Liam Tatlock - 44
- Liam Tatlock - 45

So I randomised this list 19 times, you can see it says so in the picture below.

The winner is -Aoife NiBhriain

Thank you to everyone that entered this week, and played this month!

The Bonus Ball was number 19!

There was 710cc in the pot, so Aoife NiBhriain wins it!

I would like to thank Chewie, for the donation of 500cc to be added into the pot

Thanks for playing!
Thanks for reading.

Tara C and Aoife NiBhriain