Looking For Freedom

Day 2,150, 09:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Winston S Churchill

Freedom for all ? freedom for small nations ? freedom for the weak ?

Freedom United !

Great Britain has always been known as a powerful country always looking to protect the weak .

Sometimes you need to take a stand and fight for freedom, We have made a stand and fight for the weak , after reading this comment in an article, my hero David Hasselhoff comes into my head and his amazing song Looking for freedom

TWO have gone power crazy and I ask myself , why fight for Serbia and Poland.

My view is the eUK should move to COT why ? more English speaking nations and a chance to fight for the WEAK as the TWO leader likes to term them.

Freedom United want Freedom for the eUK by Poland leaving Wales.

Freedom United want Freedom for eIreland by eUK leaving Ireland.

Become a Freedom fighter today and help fight for the small guy !

More articles to come soon including:

(Serb eUk PTO)
(The Dangers of TWO)
(Who Really Votes)
(Join The Circle)

Thanks for reading and remember freedom of speech is a great.

Sir Winston Churchill
Member of FU
Freedom Fighter