Long Live eUSA

Day 2,017, 08:34 Published in USA Poland by George Walker III

We no longer stand on the precipice of war, we are at war. We are at War with TWO, yes TWO, not just Serbia. Poland has sent men to fight for Serbia in NC against us, as well as in the guerrilla fighting area. As Poland and Serbia attack our East Coast, Spain is probably planning to attack our Northern Border. Romania and Columbia are slowly taking lands from our Ally Mexico for a Southern Assault; who knows what country may attack or betray us on the West Coast.
We shouldn't be surprised at the events, for we have known all to long about PTO's, some from with-in side and some from sleeper agents. AMP has recently felt the sting of treason and espionage. Free Area was elected Party President, and then was found to be a sleeper agent for Serbia. 2 of the top 5 political parties have been Politically taken over, AMP and AFA. AFA has been affiliated with Ukranian parties for some time, and a little influence from Serbia. AMP has recently felt the pressure as well, that is why I left AMP, I was branded and shunned away basically. I return with fervor to my party, hoping to right the wrongs of so many, and rebuild the essence of democracy again. We are the eUSA,to all that would see us destroyed or crushed, remember this; We Will Fight, We Will Endure, and We Will Be Victorious!!!