Let's dance !!

Day 1,705, 13:14 Published in Canada Canada by Mochan Drust

I am not going to tell You that You should vote for me because I will make a huge difference, I want You to vote for me so that we can together liberate what we love the most:

About a month ago, maybe more, I left PAQ and since then I wasn't involved in politics. Few days ago I realised that eCanada is in serious problems and I just had enough of this dictatorship nonsense and this guy Rolo ( for you that don't know this, Rolo Tahmasee is a name of a fictional character form the movie L.A. Confidential, who is a murderor and a criminal ), so I have decided to run for congress in region Prince Edward Island, just to make it hard for them to win again. I may not win, but I'm going to do my best to get into the congress and do something to free eCanada from this menace called "Rolo and his concubines".

I have expierience in politics. I tried to get into the congress twice in eCanada ( as MDP candidate and as an EPIC candidate ) and once in eUSA as a candidate of United States Workers Party, lead by Pfeifer ( Henry Arundel ) at the time. I was an ambassador in eUSA, twice.

So, I have only one thing left to say : FREEDOM to eCanada !!!!!!