Leadership and Revolution

Day 5,455, 16:49 Published in USA USA by Socialist Freedom Party

eRep Day 5456

Some Ideas Regarding Leadership and Revolution

What, Why

As with many of the parties, militias and affinity groups in eRepublik, over the past many months the Socialist Freedom Party has been debating, discussing, reviewing and re-thinking what it is, what it wants to be, what it was, what it could be, and what are some of the methods for making whoopie.

Is it still a "revolutionary" party? What does that mean? Does its use of a Party Constitution still make sense? Is the Revolutionary Committee method of leadership still working? What about use of the Party forum? Discord? In-game feeds and message threads? How should the SFP work with other parties? Who are our friends? Who wants to do us harm? How can we best contribute to e-USA society? To the international e-working class? Do elections even matter?

Are we having fun yet?

Are the SFP Anarchists? What does that mean?

First and foremost, it must be said that only small elements of the SFP are willing to engage in a debate along a fringe ideological fault-line. One would find even fewer fighters and players within the group who would be willing to engage in intangible rhetorical battles with people whose greatest virtue is spreading their lack of understanding and knowledge around in virtual e-newspapers or spewing dumbass slogans in comments and such.

Despite the fun we have by declaring ourselves "far left" and "anarchist", in order for us to make concrete change in our social and political struggles within eRepublik, we cannot limit ourselves by adhering to a singular ideology. Our political and military bodies encompass a wide range of belief systems from a wide range of cultures that cannot be defined under a narrow ideological microscope. And that's cool.

In fighting and playing for our goals, we must do what is most effective for us, for all of us, without succumbing to the temptation of being divided into small little groups that are more easily purchased by those seeking to keep us enslaved, within this playland, in their own real-world ideological boxes.

We in the Socialist Freedom Party have never asked anyone for unflinching, uncritical support. What we have asked the e-world to do is respect the historical context we are in, from which we emerged, and think about the actions we did and we still try to do to pull ourselves out from under the boots of boredom, authoritarianism and imperialist-colonialist thinking. At the same time, we encourage players everywhere, in all the parties and all the e-countries, to be looking at their own form of play and to seek out the commonalties we have between us.

This is the only way we have to make a global Revolution, both within the game world and to the extent that our play here leaks out into the Real..

Suggested Principles and Practices

The following is food for thought for SFPers as well as for friends, allies, and for all the players in all the bar rooms parties, militias and countries of the New World. It is pinched more or less from the Zapatistas.


Follow the will of the people,the desires of the community. Challenge authoritarianism. Be accountable. Make sure power is not abused.


Make propposals for feedback, not rules to be imposed. Encourage people to speak. It is OK to have long debates and discussions. Make information transparent and accessible.


Represent the needs of the community rather than standing as an individual. Rotate leadership. Democratize leadership. Seek to make everyone a leader.


Challenge traditional power strutures with creative alternatives. Build creative power from below. Get around and talk to folks in your party, in your militia, in your country, and in other countries and parties. Find out what they are thinking. Don't wait for the central government to do everything.


Convince players of what is just rather than using repressive or dirty measures. Win trust by showing a better way. Seek to heal the root of harms.


Never use a leadership position for personal benefit. Fight corruption, ego-mania and extravagance. Seek to build up the community's strengths.


Treat the eRep "wars" as the playground joke that they are. Actually use eRepublik to build a New World. Emphasize mutual aid, exchange, learning from one another and about one another. Construct viable alternatives to reactionary platforms.


Embrace diversity. Promote the rights and dignity of players who are women, who are people of color, queer people, indigenous players, of prisoners, of refugees, of those living under repressive regimes, and of other marginalized folks. Maintian humility. Listen to the experience of others rather than asusming superiority.


...and let your light shine.