Lastest Wil and Testament

Day 2,102, 22:10 Published in Canada Spain by Wilfie
“Next time bring a shovel”

…and then keep digging.

Figured I’d start at the end in case I meet mine sooner than expected. Actually though I was a goner last week, from the game that is. The new tax put a damper on how I was starting off and the numbers did not look good. Looking ahead, I figured that quitting early would just be getting done what would happen eventually.

But then Nunavut happened. Then Oinyo revived Clan Wolf. And Lance Lucky popped out an article he’d been sitting on for almost 4 years. Also, I won a Battle Hero in today’s resistance. The cherry on top was stealing it from a Spanish player in Division 1. We would not have won that round without his generous contribution and shameful loss of his medal. Thank you Lord Huxlow for helping liberate eCanada.

Congress. Will we have it? Maybe so. And if so, maybe I will take a shot at it. Feeling around for where my best chances would be to gain a seat. I hear Moose are a staple of Nunavutians, but then the Wolves also fare well in the North, too. Darth Vader and his Storm Troopers kicked ass on the ice planet of Hoth, but they let all the major Rebel leaders escape, and thus failed. So IPC is out. I don’t even know who the other 2 parties on the ballot might be. Should I even bother checking?

Totally premature forecast of a Congress proposal in a yet-to-be-determined party:

5% Work Tax
-Why? Because we all know it is too damn high, but 1% is too damn low. Somebody else already took 2% as their idea, so that leaves me with 3, 4, or 5. Anything above 6 looks greedy, and 7 is just too reminiscent of the GST. 5% is an easy number to work with, mainly because it is half of ten.
Look people, taxes are a part of life and you can’t have 0%. So just go with 5 and be happy about it.

The other stuff…

Peace treaty with Spain.
-yeah, but like do we have a choice on that?

The other tax rates
-whoah, let’s just do one at a time. But if 5 works out as a nice number for the Work Tax, maybe we can do fives across the board later on.

Redecorating Parliament Hill
-klop125 needs his throne re-upholstered. I believe there is room in the budget to get this done. Why not, since the government has been gathering all your tax dollars at 20% each time you work. There’s plenty to go around.

Allying with WOLF
-Why? Okay, I don’t have a great reason for that except it would be cool. And they are a small alliance with great potential to grow into something greater. Wolves stick together, hunt as a pack, and make great bros (or distant cousins, whatever the case may be). They have all the things eCanada could use right now. Okay, except for geography…a bit far away. Still, they seem to be on the map more than Asgard and are of equal underdog calibre. Worse thing is their logo, which is total crap compared to Asgard’s triple triangle thing. But flags don’t win wars, jimmy. Bros and distant cousins do. Think about it.

You can read more about them here in Oinyo’s recent article:

Maybe there’s more once things get sorted out. Probably there will be less. Whatever the case, I hope you vote for this article and do the same when the election comes around. Look for me in one the animal parties, give 5% a shot, and keep an eye on that WOLF.