Is time for a worldwide rebellion against politicians has come?

Day 1,148, 13:03 Published in Canada Turkey by Semper5

Dear friends, dear brothers in arms and blood, in pride and honor

Something is happening on a politics level in EDEN alliance. We do know that Phoenix propaganda machine is engaged for months now. I just didn't believe that it would achieve such great success. I have to congratulate them on that, it's a masterpiece.
I also could not believe that our politicians are so naive, so shortsighted or even so venal. I don't actually know how the PHX propaganda machine and their spin doctors manage to deceive (or even bribe) our politicians, most of us are actually not familiar with what was going on a huge numbers of secret meetings, behind closed doors.

But I know a few fundamental truths:
Brothers in arms are not to be left alone on a battlefield
Brothers and friends are not to be left behind in any circumstances
Brothers and friends are not to be betrayed
Those who do such things shall not be trusted anymore
Those who betrayed once most likely will do it again
The wolf changes his hair, but not his nature, or should I say – the wolf changes an alliance, but never his character
Do we really believe that countries which were a base of PEACE and PHOENIX alliances, that countries which were our true enemies since the beginning of the New World, now changed their mind and decided to become our friends over night? Do we really believe it? Do we really believe that they are willing to accept us as equal and share their resources with us? Or it's just another bluff to deceive us?

EDEN has proven to be a strong fortress and an insurmountable obstacle for Phoenix. So obviously they have decided to apply a "divide and conquer" principle. And it seems to work for them so far. If we don't react immediately they will defeat us without firing a single shot. If we let them to
If we allow them to take a new strategic position as planned, there will be no return. Then we will face with the NWO, and with eSerbia eHungary as its leaders and masters. Are we willing to obey them?

They are attacking the very foundations of our alliances - our creed that keep us undefeate😛


We shall not let them succeed!

God bless you all

Sincerely your
Semper 5