Interview with the most important player in the eUSA

Day 3,282, 20:00 Published in USA USA by shadowber

Hello fingerguns....
Hey shadow.
Some evil bi**h said I need to interview the most important person in the country, so you up for a little interview?
Awwwww ok...

Shadowber When and why did you first join erep?
Fingerguns The date is on my profile. I don't remember off the top of my head... 2009 maybe?
I got into it mostly because I didn't have many RL friends at the time. I had a job where I was working from home and I was relatively new to the city. I liked that there was so much community
SB What were your happiest and saddest moments in erep?
FG Saddest moment was when I realized EZC was going to leave the Feds. Well...mixed feelings. I was proud that it had taken off to the point where it had really outgrown the party. but I was very bummed out by how it all went down. Navigating that and being so diplomatic about it was one of the harder things I've had to do.
There have been a lot of very happy moments in this game. Definitely more of those than sad ones. It's hard to single out one of those, but I will say a definite high point was when Pfeiffer first asked me to be his VP. I had just returned to the game after some time away and I was surprised that people not only remembered me but that he thought I had enough of a following to be a good political alliance for him. That was a bit of an ego boost, especially when people started saying I was the better half of that pairing and I should be the one running for president. I had never considered such a thing so it was kind of pivotal for me to discover people felt that way about me.
SB How many times have you left the game?
FG Twice. Both times because my RL just got really busy and I needed to focus. I poured myself into this game... into the Feds specifically. I don't know how to be a passive player or a 2-clicker
SB Some rl questions... Feel free to avoid any of them... What do you do for work?
FG I won't go into the specifics of what I do or where I work, but it probably wouldn't surprise anyone to learn that my work has always revolved around marketing and product management.
SB Does it involve using Photoshop?
FG Lol no.
SB Where did you acquire your ps skills?
FG I don't even use photoshop. I use Shopping is a lot like web design/development. They're skills I just picked up out of necessity.
SB Are you an artist?
FG No. I actually honed most of my skills by playing erep. Thats one of my favorite things about this game, there are so many opportunities to make cool shit just for funsies.
SB How do you juggle the wheel, your job, and being a mom?
FG Neglecting my child, mostly. When I first started the wheel, things were super slow at my job. I also had a full week off at the end of october.
SB I'm sitting here interviewing you and writing an article about kody while my wife is getting upset that I'm not helping put the kids to sleep... My kids feel your kid's neglect lol.
FG My son goes to bed at 8, so that's plenty of time, but he also likes playing alone. Like right now he's essentially acting out the movie "Secret Life of Pets". He doesn't want me involved. I just ruin it.
SB Can I put that in the interview?
FG Lol if you want to.
SB Who is your actual all time favorite ereper (dead or alive) and why?
FG Hmmmm. Emerick. He was extremely entertaining. He is also why i use zooey as my avatar... 'Being a female in erep' was a topic that used to come up a lot. There were only a few of us and there were definitely some at the time who were like 'BEWBS!' I definitely didn't want to be one of those girls. Even the smart ladies sort of undercut their own credibility if they go too hard with the sex appeal.
Anyway, long story short, we agreed that zooey deschanel is basically the perfect woman, and I decided that was how I wanted to be seen- the girl people want to take home to meet their parents... not the one they want to fuck.
SB Why the name?
FG Right around the time I started playing, one of my nephews kept getting in trouble at school for doing finger guns. He's like...on the spectrum or whatever. shooting people with the finger gun was the only way he could really express his displeasure with a person or a situation. It was his 5 year old version of giving someone the finger. I found it very amusing and I needed a screen name. Just went with it. He got out of that phase shortly after that, but the name suits me. I think of myself as fingerguns in my life.
SB Let's move on to the wheel. What made you think of it?
FG We always have a problem with media, especially for new players. What do you write about?? I had a personal project for my last pp term to put together a list of like 30 or so writing prompts. Looking at the list I thought nobody would ever choose to write about one of those things if they're just looking at a list of prompts. I decided to turn it into like a gameshow or something as part of my viceroy initiative. I mean seriously why would anyone ever CHOOSE to make a dating profile just to be funny... or write a poem about someone? Or something more serious like think about who should run for president or who you consider to be the most important player in the country.
SB So when your started your run for viceroy was the idea already firmly rooted in your mind?
FG Yeah kinda. That's why I ran for viceroy. I had this idea that could generate a crap ton of media and also be a lot of fun. It hadn't really taken shape yet until we started. I wasn't sure if people would play. People did though and they really enjoyed it, so I had to slap some rules on it and think it through a little.
SB Would you consider this one of your greatest achievements in erep?
FG Lol. Let's see how it all ends.
SB If you were interviewing you, what would your most important question/answer be?
FG I would want to know what happens to the wheel after thursday... and I wouldn't have an answer.
SB When did you enjoy erep more, now when there are hardly any players left or back when there were tons...?
FG I mean obviously it was super fun when there were a lot of people. That's why there were people. What bums me out about the smaller population isn't fewer people, but that there are some people who are so completely down on the game. They say that it's dead and nobody cares and everything is stupid. I kinda wish those people would just leave already. It's hard to have a good time and whip up some energy and activity with that kind of thing going on.
SB I agree... I can never understand the point of the people who love to say the game is dead... But I need a more direct answer... When did you enjoy it more?
FG I can't give you a direct answer. I'm just getting started on this season of erep. We'll see how it goes.
SB Do you believe you are the most important person in the eUSA?
FG No.
SB I disagree, but who do you think is?
FG Whomever it is that keeps splitting all of the fed elections without openly supporting a candidate.
SB Idk if that's a jab at someone or a compliment.
SB One more to end it off.... As the most important player in the eUSA do you have a message for the rest of us?
FG Encourage people who have ideas and want to do things.

Thank you so much fingeguns for taking the time to talk to me and answer all my questions.