Interview with Logan Dunleavy

Day 847, 18:33 Published in USA USA by cody fowler

This is an interview with Logan Dunleavy about presidential matters.Enjoy.

Cody Fowler:What would you do as president?

Logan Dunleavy:hmm I guess I would work closely with Congress in order to make
the best situation for the eAmerican citizens

Cody Fowler:What do you think is the biggest problem in the eUSA right now?

Logan Dunleavy:I feel new player retention is the biggest problem facing that
nation at this point.

Cody Fowler:Who would be your VP choice if you were elected?

Logan Dunleavy:I would have to pick Joe Newton if I ever ran, hes one of the
most hard working senator that currently is in Congress

Cody Fowler😃o you think you would be a good president?

Logan Dunleavy:I don't think so, if I ever get elected I assume I will be much
more qualified then I am today. But until then I can't truly say

Cody Fowler😃o you think PigInZen was a good choice?

Logan Dunleavy: Yes, I truly feel PiZ can do great things not seen since the glory
days of eMerica when Emerick was president. I fully support him

Cody Fowler:What country's would you try to attack/ally?Please tell me whether
you would ally or attack.

Logan Dunleavy:I would attack eMexico, why because we need revenge for
Operation Taco Bell >🙂 I would NEVER attack a EDEN nation

Cody Fowler😛ersonal question😃o you think I would would be a good

Logan Dunleavy: I don't know. But we could sure use some proactive people like
you on capitol hill.

Cody Fowler:Thanks for your time.
Logan Dunleavy: Your very welcome.
Cody Fowler:Have a nice night.Bye.
Logan Dunleavy:Bye.
I hope you enjoyed the interview.You can see Logan's profile here:
Best Regards,
Cody fowler