Informata ne lidhje me fabriken - 2

Day 1,794, 02:29 Published in Albania Albania by THE FIGHTER PILOT

Si fillim dua tju tregoj se fabrika joshteterore eshte ngritur ne levelin q5 , dhe per kte desha tu falemenderohem te gjitheve sepse vetem ne nuk do ta kishim arritur qellimin kaq shpejt.

Qellimi jone i ardhshem eshte ngritja e fabrikes ne level q6 , dhe per kte duhet 224 gold prej te cileve ne deri tani kemi siguruar diku 120 gold por na nevojiten edhe 100 gold te tjera qe ky qellim te realizohet dhe sa me shpejt te fillojm me shperndarjen e supplies.

Gjithashtu fabrika ka kapacitet per 10 punetor + manager qe i bie ne total 11 punetor. Nese i llogarisim bonuset e tashme ne USA , nje person prodhon 16 arme . 11 persona x 16 arme= 176 arme

U mundova ti perfshij te gjitha detajet tek ky artikull , por nese keni ndonje pyetje mund te pyesni ne komente ose edhe mund te diskutojm me ane te PM.

Nese keni mundesi te beni donate per te ndihmuar kete iniciative sadopak ateher ju lutem qe ato donacione ti dergoni tek ky account

Verejtje U lutemi qe goldi mos te jete me prejardhje multies sepse na rrezikoni neve shume dhe ka mundesi qe e gjitha kjo iniciative te shuhet fale nje gabimi te tille.


Ketu iu paraqes listen e donatoreve te deritanishem
Donatoret nga artikulli i pare:
Coca1912 23 gold
flower expres 6 gold
Da White Death 27 gold
KingBato 25 gold
Sleven777 has transfered 10 Gold to your account.
Visar Jasiqi has transfered 10 Gold to your account.
Besart Sijarina has transfered 5 Gold to your account.
Toverlani has transfered 5 Gold to your account.
Veton Gashi has transfered 6 Gold to your account.
Ajkuna has transfered 1 Gold to your account.

Donatoret nga artikulli i dyte:
MajmuniHirko has transfered 7000 ALL to your account.
Napoleon 54 has transfered 5500 ALL to your account.
Napoleon 54 has transfered 500 ALL to your account.
trofseb has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
Alb0Golem has transfered 2 Gold to your account.
inter86 has transfered 2 Gold to your account.
Krasta Krau has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
Albanianz has transfered 3 Gold to your account.
Roland231 has transfered 2 Gold to your account.
albaniaguard has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
Roland231 has transfered 9 Gold to your account.
Alb0Golem has transfered 4 Gold to your account.

Donatoret nga artikulli i trete:
FlorianBlakcori has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
Malsor Berisha has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
Roland231 has transfered 3 Gold to your account.
Prince Enea has transfered 1.5 Gold to your account.
AlbanianBlooD has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
Alb0Golem has transfered 2.5 Gold to your account.
Roland231 has transfered 7.02 Gold to your account.

Donacionet nga ky artikull:
igli10 has transfered 2 Gold to your account.
ILLYRIAN .PUNISHER has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
Ajkuna has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
a.adisa has transfered 5 Gold to your account.
a.adisa has transfered 500 ALL to your account.
Gentrit Rexha has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
Roland231 has transfered 1 Gold to your account.

Hail Albania