Income Calculator

Day 1,538, 09:50 Published in China China by boskizas

Hello to all of you.

I have always been enjoying the financial aspect of this game. When I entered eRepublik, late 2010, things were trully very nice. If you were smart enough you could gain a lot of income through currency trading, or company trading. That's how I made my first e-fortune here.

Later on though, things became tougher. In order to earn a nice income you had to have invested a lot or RL money in the game. The best part of the game, the one that kept me inside, have been almost lost.

Nevertheless, what I like to do is be able to calculate in every given time the daily income I make. Since there is no "fast working" anymore, since prices have been stabilized since the last changes, and since there are given values that are steady, I am in the position to calculate everyone's daily income. All I need to know is some variables.

To be able to calculate this in any time, I have created an excel file, and I am here to share it with you. In this file there are Grey areas (text or calculated amounts), red areas (with costs), green areas (with income), and blue areas with calculated daily income / loss. The most important part of course is the Yellow areas, with the data that need to be fulfilled by you. You need to tell the machine how many companies you own, how many fights you do daily, how many times you train, the prices of WRM/FRM, and Q1-Q6 weap & food market prices, together with your local monetary market ratio, %bonus of food & weap, taxes, and wage.

So, if you want to find out how much income you make daily, and be able to calculate it in any given moment, then you need to have this excel sheet. It is easy, you only need to fill in the yellow area variables, and it will tell you in an instance how much money you earn daily. The program assumes that you employ 3 workers in q3 companies, 5 in q4, 10 in q5/q6, none in all the others.

Here is the excel file, which has the steady shells locked so that you will not accidentally erase the equations.

If you really like this, please help me continue providing useful financial help to the community by voting, subscribing, and making a shout so that everyone has a chance to be helped by this useful program.

Learn how much is your daily income
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