I look forward to serving as your DoIA!

Day 869, 18:58 Published in USA United Kingdom by Devoid

Hail, people of America! I wanted to greet you all, and introduce myself to you all in my not-quite-fictitious position of Director of Indian Affairs. I thought I'd talk a little bit about what we do, and what we plan to do.

We're a real thing.

As many of you know, the Indians were the original inhabitant of this continent. There were many Indian tribes all across this great land, from the Navajo in the southwestern desert to the Wampanoag in the medium wood of Massachusetts. They were a proud people, with advanced cultures and systems of belief. They all lived in teepees, and life was good.

Chillin' with the peace pipe

And then, well, I'll quote the immortal words of Iron Maiden:
White man came across the sea
He brought us pain and misery
He killed our tribes, he killed our creed
He took our game for his own need

It was a bad time. Eventually the white guys realized that what they were doing wasn't cool, and John C. Calhoun formed this organization in 1849.

Yeah, that's really him

So what do we do today? Well, we need to help out these people, to help them overcome these many years of oppression. I suggest casinos. We should put a casino in at least two states, preferably not fortresses. After all, it is those in the so-called "wastelands" that need our help most.

This project will needs lots of money, and we all know Congress isn't going to pony up. In fact, Congress thinks this can earn the government revenue, through the sale of casino licenses, as well as taking a cut of revenue at them. So, I have two casino licenses for sale. Who wants em? Which states should the casinos go in? I'm open to suggestions, and also bribes. Really, I'm not going to lie, I will totally accept a bribe. If you want to build a 5,000-gold resort in eConnecticut, you have to play ball my way.

You could own this.

Anyway, that's all for now. Hopefully in my role as Director of Indian Affairs, I can help our Indians climb out of poverty, and perhaps bring the rest of the country some joy.

Oh wait, you mean...India India? Like, the one in Asia? FFFFFFFFF