I don't even...

Day 2,104, 11:18 Published in Canada Spain by Wilfie

Guess what, I don't even know what I am saying or doing in this game. Even wrote a serious article last night and then I deleted it half an hour after publishing my rant about Spain. Seems it was misinformed and likely in bad taste. We'll just have to play nice while the peace treaty is in effect and eCanada is honoring its end of the deal.

So as I said, I just have no idea. No idea about what to say or write, what to vote up or down, or even which countries we can trust. And worst of all, I may even get elected to Congress.

That's right...courtesy of Plato and his game glitching goblins, the Congress you waited so long for will be half-empty and composed of know-nothin' noobs like me.

Plato sticks it to eCanada once again! Read all about it!

There's got to be a way to help minimize the damage. So here is what I propose to do:

Yup, I will to do just that. Send me a message about what you want to see done by Congress and I'll try my best to reply and then comply with your request. Because I just don't know what to expect in a game that throws random events at you like you're centre stage in a dunk-tank contest.

If I do get elected, give me a few pointers.
I'm begging you.

Please toss this dog a bone by voting for the article and for Clan Wolf during the election.
And by bone, I also mean food, too. ty

[Shemanigoons] Fifty Shades of Bromance

Bro bonding is in the air,
Yet some can’t past old despair.
Here we sit,
Broken hearted.
Paid for an NAP,
But a quarter parted.

Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotland, New Foundland and Labrador…your loss does not fill what the Bromance fulfills. Though we can hope it is a means to that end.

We are all familiar with the fact that nature abhors a vacuum (noisy bastards drive me crazy). You scoop a cup of water from the ocean and it fills back in. You say you want to remain single, and society thinks you’re a freak. Then later you say you want some alone time and she squeezes you tighter. Even more, you get rid of all your old stuff to move into her place, and then life just feels so empty. You empty out your heart on the altar and so soon it feels congested. You vacuum on Tuesdays and Saturdays and mop Mondays and Fridays, and thoroughly abhor it.

So we can deduct from this natural fact that eCanada without an alliance did thoroughly suck. Okay, it apparently sucked before it had no alliance, but one cannot deny that leaving Asgard and regaining Congress was not a total coincidence. Just like eCanada entering into an alliance and regaining the Brolliance was also not a total coincidence either. “Everything has to do with everything” and in this game, there’s not a whole lot of anything (or at least the variety is pretty narrow) so things end up becoming way too inter-related and a bit incestuous (if you ask me).

Enter the Bromance.

Because there’s not much else to obsess about, except the past and the things we’ve already done.

Let’s hurry this referendum up, my ‘medication’ hasn’t got all night

How’s that go when forging the deepest of relationships…“Something Old. Something New. Something Borrowed. Something Blew.” Yeah, so the old is made new but it’s likely borrowed from a prior relationship we totally blew (much like that recycled engagement ring…I mean, Circle of Trust Me We’ll Tie the Knot in Three Months).

I’m not against the Brolliance or the Circle of Bi-weekly Vacuums. I voted “Yes” to one and flirted thoroughly with the other in discussions here and there. What seems off is the whole nostalgia of the thing…I don’t feel it because it belongs to me. It’s not of my generation, though I can try my best to look wide-eyed when you sit down to tell us yet again about the time eUSA and eCanada teamed up to save the day, and how if wasn’t for that minor falling out, then you’d have been best buds until the end of eTime. Anyway, I’m glad to see you two re-unite after all these years…a shame it had to be at the old folks home after eSpain foreclosed on eCanada and ePoland repossessed eUSA. Never too late for a little tag-team effort; I’m sure it’ll make one last great story about how you busted out of Alcatraz.

Get me outta here and get off my lawn!

Definitely, let’s forge a new set of allies. Let’s do it quick, even if it has ‘3 month trial offer’ written all over it. Let’s even recollect the good ol’ days. But just don’t tell me that we’re firing up the old flames that once were (despite worth recollecting, these are tired old tales, nonetheless). And on the other side of the camp, let’s not gripe over so many past faults (I’m sure they were pretty bad back in the day). Pom-poms vs. paranoia, with a handful trying to argue for a moderate middle. For me, it’s safer to take refure in the grey area. Can’t be sure of what I know and know even less about the known unknowns. Thought it was the Fog of War making the drift of alliances so grey and hazy and wheezy and a bit smelly…turns out it is likely the expanse of wizened greybeards flooding back in on little cat feet.

Answer: “I dunno, you tell me.

Glad you’re out there to warn us about the impending dangers or to reminisce about the good ol’ days. Both perspectives have their functions and there will be ample time later for the customary “I told you so’s” for whichever opinion proves right.

It’s just that for me, right now, we’re in an expanse of grey and there’s a lifeline being tossed from the gloom by something also of vague shape. Could be a helping hand (or trunk) or maybe a slippery snake. I’m not sure of the realities, but I like to imagine it could be both at the same time.

The Brolliance has 50 shades of grey to it: grey, grey, grey, and infra-grey…a whole rainbow of grey. That’s nothing to be comforted by and it does inspire some unease. But here’s a fact about trying out new things; it’s rarely without some discomfort. Or rather in this case of something old and borrowed that we totally blew, some discomfort definitely occurs when you’re spicing up old things in new ways.

It just takes a little imagination and at least one or two safewords, “Trial Member.”