Hope and Reality

Day 1,708, 17:58 Published in Canada Canada by TheBurningMan

This has been one heck of a ride in this war against the USA. We win one, lose the rest, but thats ok, because now my MU has funding after applied pressure by the CPF and members from the Night's Watch themselves.

Now we can be more influential in this war
We Canadians are not one for giving up, and this war is not over, if we get wiped we die trying.

However, this is not the main purpose of this article right now, I am going on a ten day vacation away from you crazy people. You might not care and thats ok, I just won't care about you, see how you like it, but While I am away I am hoping for some changes and I might not see them all, but I want to see some.

Hope (what I want to happen when I am away)
-Kick Evry out of office ( you Americans deserve so much more)
-I don't want MDP to buy all their votes
-I want our Canadian Land back(no more, no less,just what is ours that has been invaded)
-In game mechanics to be used as an method to communicate between congress( less use of the forums)
-Something other then a MDP mojority in congress( someone ellse could have a say, perhaps?)
-The war to be over?

Lets see what you want for Christmas BurningMan... and you expect me to do all this?
But please Santa, I swear I will be the nicest citizen in all of eRepublik pretty please?
I'm sorry but I can't
I call BS on that one Mr. I-fly-around-the-world-in-one-night, make it happen big boy.

-So obviously, not all of this will happen, as Rolo could give less of a dang about me and will continue to offer Q6 tanks to anyone he wants to, please do not buy from him, pretty please?
-I don't expect this war to be over, but I do expect some negotiations to happen with a new PotUS to happen. Seriously America? You are gonna let a blind PotUS lead a bunch of fully capable people into a future where they have no idea of where they are going? So you MPP with Poland lets say, do you really think the give a rats @$$ about you? I don't think so, they would betray you when it is most convenient for them.
-Against my opinion, I'm sure Rylde will continue to use forums for all things political and military.My problem with that is I would like to know what goes on behind closed doors, I, nor alot of people on this game, have time to be on the forum once the summer ends as I would like to stay connected. Even with the newer players, they must feel really confused and lost because they don't know what the heck is going on half the time because it is all kept in secret, only to be exposed by reporters.
-With the AFK growing more and more,They stand a higher chance of getting into congress, a nice little change up in my opinion, instead of the coalition running the show, eCanadians could be heard.
-Getting our land back is a work in progress, it will take time, but we can get it all back if we work as a team, funding Night's Watch was a good start, now lets take back what is ours!

So, this is my little two cents, hopefully people will feel similar and will look to change eCanada with the elections Wendsday.
I won`t be there, I will be on a boat.

Where`s your dictatorship now motherf*****, I`m on a boat!

Thank you all for your time
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