History of Finland and Announcement of SPEAR'08

Day 366, 12:36 Published in Sweden Finland by Erwin Schauman

From: Department of Foreign Affairs, Finland

Summary of the history between Norway and Finland.

April 18st 2008. A dark day in Finland’s history. Norway declared war on Finland and started a war of aggression in Lapland. On April 21st the last defences of the realm fell and Finland was annexed into the Norwegian Empire. A small, peaceful country in the Northern Hemisphere that could do no possible harm to its much larger neighbours was wiped off from the world map. Finland as a nation ceased to exist.

The citizens of Finland refused to accept the subjugation. The resistance lived on and oaths were made to liberate Finland. The internet forums were awakened and recruitment of new players began.

August 2008. The recruitment of resistance fighters reaches its peak when over 1000 Finnish players join the game in one month in order to liberate Finland. Sovereign Finland, Finnish owned political party created to bring the voice of the freedom fighters to the ears of the Norwegian Congress, becomes the largest party in the history of the eRepublik with nearly 1400 members.

The Government of Norway saw this sudden uprising of Finns as a threat. The relations between the Finns and the Norwegians deteriorated as both sides began issuing threats and ultimatums to each other. Civil war seemed unavoidable.

September 2008. The crisis leads to Sovereign Finland arranging a coup in the Norwegian Government, taking control of both the Congress and the Presidential seat. The Finns were now in total control of the Norwegian Empire.

The ultimatums continued, but it soon came apparent to both sides that this would not lead anywhere. The faiths of Finland and Norway were bound to each other. More peaceful and diplomatic approach was adopted, and official negotiations for freedom began. Slowly relations were rebuilt and dialogue between the two parties became civil.

October 2008. V1 is launched and the door to independence is opened. The negotiations for peaceful liberation continued and lead to Norway recognizing Finland’s right to sovereignty and agreed to fund two resistance wars as payment for the invasion on April.

On October 15th the Finnish Independence War began. Both the Norwegians and the Finns settled their differences and fought side by side for the first time as allies and brothers, tearing down the wall that separated Finland and its rightful place among the free nations of the world.

Finland finally gained its independence on October 22nd after 6 months of being part of the Norwegian Empire.

A new age of cooperation and understanding had begun.

SPEAR'08 Military Exercise

This cooperation and understanding lead to the organizing of SPEAR'08 Military Exercise. A week ago the Finnish and the Norwegians officials reached an agreement concerning the liberation of the rest of the national provinces of Finland. Now, after the implementation of the new war module, these plans are taken into action. Finland and Norway yet again show to the world what can be accomplished by diplomacy and cooperation.

On November 22nd Finland and Norway will start a joint military exercise called SPEAR'08. The main objective of this exercise is to unite the rest of the Finnish national provinces back to the Republic of Finland. Secondary objectives are to train the Norwegian and Finnish armed forces, improve future military cooperation, strengthen the relations between the two countries, and to revive the economy in recession.

Foreign army personnel are allowed to join the exercise on the Blue (Finland) or the Red (Norway) side, but the main objective of the exercise must be accomplished in the end. Bear that in mind when choosing sides.

The battles in Finland are kept going for about a week each if possible, unless the area is about to become Secured, in which case the President of Norway presses the Retreat button and concedes the region to Finland.

The nations with MPPs with Norway are prohibited from joining directly as the battles are fought on the Finnish national province which does not trigger the MPPs, according to the rules. In case there’s a bug that still forces the MPPs to trigger, the nations in question are asked to sign separate peace with Finland unless the MPP allows them to choose the Blue side as well.

For the soldiers joining the Blue side, both Eastern Finland and Southern Finland have Q4 hospitals.

On the behalf of the Republic of Finland, I wish all the participants to have a great time in the SPEAR'08 exercise.

-Erwin Schauman
Foreign Minister of the Republic of Finland

Ps. The Government of Finland has nothing to with the Resistance War launched in Western Finland. It was done by a private person. Luckily, it wont ruin the exercise.