Day 5,354, 14:29 Published in USA USA by Socialist Freedom Party

eRep Day 5340
Song of the week:

Jazzy, electric version of "Bella Ciao", by Pfenix Quinn.
(It's "jazzy" because there's plenty of weird beginner mistakes, err, innovations!)


What a beautiful audience you are. Please allow me to tell you about a fun party that's going on RIGHT NOW. And YOU'RE INVITED!

Along with the Feds and the USWP, the Socialist Freedom Party has been bouncing around the e-USA since time immemorial.

Has it always been an easy ride for these fun-loving far-lefties? Heck no. But even back in the rough-and-rocky days when the SFP languished below the Top Five, its ability to contribute meaningufully on the national and international scene have made it a player-community to be noted.

And the SFP just keeps on rocking.

From helping to initiate the militia model, to inventing communes, to insisting on a welcoming and diverse community, to finding common ground with other parties, to standing their ground when needed. Or making fun for all with a lively party press. Or opposing dictatorship at home and abroad. Or promoting pay-it-forward assistance programs. Pushing for gummint programs to help everyone level up, and funding top-notch mutual aid programs of their own.

Despite the occasional season of doldrums and a few spats of The Trouble with Trolls, even now in the Era of the Great Decline of eRepublik, the proletarian's little party that could has been and continues to be an active and lively bunch. Constantly tweaking and re-inventing itself. Re-discovering its strengths. Finding areas of the old socialist-freedom Club House up on Bear Mountain that need some touch-ups, then getting out the paintbrush and spackel and organizing a work holiday to tidy things up.

Artist rendering of heroic SFP worker standing up to bureaucrat-capitalism.

Does everybody in the SFP agree with everybody else about everything all the time? Of course not. Are there occasional personality conflicts? Ummm... yes?

Recent collegial hallway conversation at a Revolutionary Committee meeting.

Do people come and go? Naturally. The free-floating spirit of the SFP is not to everyone's taste. But it's also a reason people come back to the SFP.

Strong wind warning

Are all the SFP-ers commies or whatever? No. Yes, some are in-game reds. Some are various flavors of red IRL. And -- keeping in mind we're talking about a game with a healthy role-playing component -- it's a big ol' experimental leftie tent inside the SFP's ideological fun house... There's socialists, left-socialists, autonomists, voluntarists, anarcho-communists, social-ecologists, democratic-socialists, social-liberals, left-libertarians, anarchists, anarcho-syndicalists, slackers, jokers, artists, hobos, gardeners, anarcho-primativists, and lord know what else. Even Canadians! There's no ideological litmus test.

What you won't find are racists, homophobes, misogynists, xenophobic nationalists and inveterate killjoys.

The freedom-socialist recipe? The secret socialist sauce? What keeps this crazy bunch moving along together?

Maybe its the two spirits evident in the name of the party. The spirit of Freedom, of respect for the individual dignity of each and every player, combined with the spirit of Socialism -- a sense of social solidarity, of caring for, empowering and watching out for each other and of wanting to make our institutions work for the common good.

Or maybe its in the fiercely anti-hierarchical way the party runs itself. The Revolutionary Committee -- open to all members -- acts as a collective leadership, a team of militants rather than officers, using democratic and syndicalist principles to drive things along.

Hey friend. If this kind of thing appeals to you, check us out.

For free cookies, jazzy music, lively chat and tons of free stuff, join the Socialist Freedom Party