Happy Thanksgiving and Election Wrap-up

Day 737, 20:03 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

CvP members,

Today (or yesterday) was Thanksgiving, and I hope all of you had a good time with friends and/or family. It's one of those holidays in the US that is uniquely our own. 🙂

The 25th was Congress election day, and I'm sad to report that things didn't turn out as well as we hoped. We did manage to win 2 seats this election, Nebraska and Pennsylvania, which is an improvement on last months election, when we had 1 Congressman (the 2nd winner was banned). Still, we could have done better, and I hope next month we will have more time to prepare for elections to increase our turnout and results.

Now that elections are over, CP elections are closing fast. I'll be working to get the primary set up on the party forums so we can get the opinions of all CvP members on the subject. Expect more info in the future!

Finally, I want to see the party grow and strengthen between now and the 15th of December. We need more members, more active members, and a foundation to help us branch out in the future. Therefore, I will be working to initiate several programs during the rest of this term that will reach out to citizens of the eUS and party members.

CvP, this is our chance to prepare for the future. Let's not waste any more time.

Conservative Party President

Fortis ad infinitum.