Green horse and reasonable Serb

Day 2,943, 05:17 Published in India India by Patanjali
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ


… Proklet bio izdajica svoje domovine ! – last verse from Yugoslavian national anthem, meaning … to be damned the one that betray he’s motherland.

Regarding title, it is a joke / saying in Romania, that is very hard 😃, to find a green horse or a reasonable Serb.
It was also, this year in may, the name of a satiric festival held in Timisoara, with the presence of Serbians and Romanians … creators of joke’s 😃 .

Aleksander Djurdjevic came with a Proposition to eIndia and this lead to something I consider an interesting debate.
Let’s take a look at the following :

Aleksandar Djurdjevic : if c,mon mate,with Serbia on our side,it doesnt matter what bulgarians macedonians and croatians think XD
Murthu : We'd lose our honour too. That's more important.
Vishroid : I for one like to live by motto of Indian Army's Gorkha Regiment- It is better to die with honour than live a coward. @Aleksander- your profile says "Honneur et Fidelite". How can you even think about loosing honor? Maybe you're not a RL indian, otherwise you would know.

And now the green horse hit:
Aleksandar Djurdjevic : MURTHU,VISHROID what kind of HONOUR you speak??? YOU speak about HONOUR,you who sold indian regions and signed to be their slaves voluntarily!Ofcourse im not RL indian in RL SERB,member of strongest and bravest nation in the world,and you two are also not RL indians because RL INDIANS that i know,are also brave peoples and they were always fighting against invaders,and not FOR invaders,when germany attacked Yugoslavia in WW2 SERBS standed first and alone against whole nazi germany,and do you know how croatians slovenians muslims and macedonians welcomed them??? with FLOWERS,and CHEERING! so dont YOU TWO speak me about ,,HONOUR ET FIDELITE,, nor you or the croatians,because you two are cowards just like croatians.BIG RESCPECT TO RL INDIANS who are brave and strong just like we SERBS and who fought against Britons,not FOR Britons,not to be good slaves,but to be HONORABLY AND FREE PEOPLES,RESPECT TO RL INDIA who support Serbia,and stand with Serbia in everythnig together!So you two cowards think once more WHAT you are,and for wich flag do you FIGHT respect to real brave indian people once more

What Aleksander say here is not only bad (there are no such things that are only good or only bad).
This habit of renting the lands of eIndia (it is not for the first time eIndia do that, nor the last, I presume) make an eastern European to think that something is wrong, rotten with those ppl, with this country.

Problem of this … acceptance of the foreigners in eIndia is old, since the times when eItalia conquered the land, because the might was missing always to this eCountry.
Also, unfortunately, here we cannot use the method of peaceful resistance against invaders because the only results we could get is that they will be mocking us.

In respect to that, I believe Aleksander is right to warn us about this kind of conduct, that will not help us very much to develop as a eNation .
Also, the national feelings where rejected always as a good reason to create a Baby Boom in eIndia, because the risk of transforming this community into something that actual players don’t want. I could not have an opinion on that, because I never talk to / seen a nationalistic indian, yet I noticed there are few sites of that kind in India too.

In the end, those are big differences between European nationalism and US tolerance and pragmatism.
Europeans are encouraged/told to preserve the national language, for example, at all cost, and that for they develop kind of enclosed communities and reject foreign culture (and languages).
On the other hand, countries under the direct influence of US model, will look for the opportunities for development, progress and new, disregarding traditions.

I know this struggle took place in India too, but now it seems (more and more) that India chose the global society, opened to new and progress.

It could sound strange, but somehow I believe India got more opportunities in the future that Europe, exactly for that reason

Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !