Day 780, 08:24 Published in Russia North Macedonia by Stoilkovski Darko


Gorce PetrovGorce Petrov is an idealist, an organiser of the Macedonian Revolutionary Movement, and one of the leaders of the Ilinden Uprising. He was born in Prilep in 1864, and was educated in the birth place at Solun, where he later became a teacher in Stip, Skopje, Bitola, and Solun.
He is also one of the leaders of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary organisation (VMRO), and remained a consistent fighter of the organisation to the last day of his life.
Gorce Petrov participated in the Ilinden Uprising as a leader of one of the squads.
Together with Goce Delcev, Gorce Petrov battled against the enemy to prove the distinctiveness of the Macedonian people. They demonstrated that the Macedonian people by themselves should organise its own revolutionary liberated battle against the Turkish slavery.
Gorce Petrov was killed in Sofia in 1921 by the enemy of the Macedonian people.