Going Forward

Day 4,333, 21:00 Published in Canada Canada by MAS.

Hello my fellow Canadians, on the world stage we are a smaller nation in population. But we are a Nation rich in spirit and resources. We have shown the determination to fight for what is ours. That is why I would be honored to have the opportunity to serve as President.

Going forward we need to guarantee our citizens have the ability to WAM their companies and maintain bonus.

Going forward we need maintain the best concession deals possible. We also need to keep occupied regions at a minimum.

Going forward we will maintain the training wars that are most compatible with our needs, to ensure opportunities for citizens to reap the best rewards for their efforts.

Going forward I will have the dept. of education look in to informing citizens the best way to benefits from the new changes in the Air Module.

Going forward I will work with my advisers to establish that in training wars, Canadian air space is for Canadians. There should now be ample opportunities elsewhere for players of other nations.

Just a little about me. I have been playing for just over 10 years, and that is 10 years no time off. I am here for Canada every day and during my term in office I would be here every day for you.

Yes, I would be honored to receive your vote October 5th