Freemason's Support BigAnt

Day 2,022, 13:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Winston S Churchill

June the 5th is election day and this month we will see a straight battle between New Era's BigAnt and TUP's Mr Woldy.

We are backing BigAnt as he has the vision and the drive to do great things, take away the beer and his the best CP this country has seen in ages, not boring like the drones at TUP, nor a puppet this man is the closest the UK has to butter and the wheel , for BigAnt can motivate the nation behind him like he did in the great battles during his last terms, he can push the UK onto greatness under a New Era and we will all enjoy the next month.

If you want to vote for a robot or a puppet on a string vote the other guy, if you want to vote for a 3rd place guy vote for the guy that always comes 3rd, if you want to be a winner and vote for a winner then vote BigAnt.

Voting for BigAnt is like watching the Sunrise on a beautiful summer's morning you know you will be in for a good day , bring forward a New Era and come the 5th you know what to do, make the right choice, choose a beautiful sunrise Choose a New Era !