Free Gold !

Day 1,736, 14:29 Published in Canada Canada by Mochan Drust

If you are reading this then You should be ashamed of yourself. In these times when eCanada is in war with ePoland and Congress elections are coming up, two things that will decide fate of our great nation, You are reading articles about free gold.
I'm sorry to but I'll have to disappoint You because there will be no free gold. Gold is the last thing that should be on your mind right now.

So, You must be asking yourself why have I then wrote this article and I'll answer to You.
I wrote this article to tell you a story:

„Once upon a time, in a far away land called eCanada lived a man, hardworker and soldier. Congress elections were coming up and he had to choose who to vote for or should he vote at all. Everyone seemed the same to him. Empty promises about progress, increased MU funding, decreased taxes etc. So he decided to vote for the candidate who's willing to pay him for his vote. „If they're all fighting for the same cause then I should help my country and earn some money at the same time“, he told to himself. One candidate offered him gold and he accepted.
Congress election day came, he woke up, he saw that the gold has been transfered to his account and he voted for the candidate that payed him. One week later, the candidate he vote for, approved CS request to some strange dude and in just few days that strange dude PTOed the biggest party and he won the presidental elections. That strange dude declared war on eCanadas ally. eCanada lost all MPPs and in just a day or two was wiped out. Your candidate left eCanada and started a new life in an enemy country that had 100 % bonuses. He ended up with 0% bonuses on your production, PTOed country, huge taxes and massive death of his fellow citizens. Next month eCanada was down to 500 citizens, 50 % of them were PTOers.

Eventually he sold the gold he earned from bribe so he could buy food for a day or two. Week later he decided to quit the game because he was left with nothing. He tried to change CS but everyone wanted gold in order to approve his request and he couldn't blame them because he realised that he was greedy just like them. The day eCanada died was the day he logged in for the last time.“

Do you want to be this guy ? Do you want to be the guy who killed his country ?
Do you want to be the guy who voted for the candidate that bribed him and won in the elections just by one vote ?

If „no“ is your answer to these questions then
vote for Clan Wolf on the 25th of August;
Vote for Mochan Drust in Prince Edward Island.

Vote for your better future.