FPR 11/9/14 | Deadlines Near

Day 2,546, 08:32 Published in USA USA by Nick.Fury

Friday, November 9th, 2014 | eRepublik Date: 2546

Table of Contents:

1| VPP's Corner - Sweet Weekend
2| Retention - Come Meta Fed Style
3| Fun Zone - dk's Weekly Adventure
4| Fed Radio - The Week Before Ep. 130SD
5| New Media Deputy Director - Orikfricai
6| Recruiting - Why Dave's Here
7| Political - Important Updates
1| VPP's Corner - Sweet Weekend
by: Scott Coyle, Sr.

For the Federalist Party this weekend is all about the Party President Nominations and Federalist Awards. We are half way through the weekend and tomorrow it all ends. Tomorrow we will have the Official Federalist Party President Candidates and the Winners of the Federalist Awards. Not to mention we have a great debate coming to Fed Radio as well, last weeks Fed Radio was a " one sided argument " ( quote by dk3dknight - Fed Radio Co-Host ) so dk3dknight wanted to make it more fair and have a few opponents to debate the issue with; the issue is regarding the blacklisting of PP's who grant a Serbian access to congress.

So as you can tell we have a great Sunday for you and this is one Sunday you'll want to be active in eRepublik. On another bright note we have a new member of the media department, Orikfricai is now the Deputy Director of the Media Department and I can attest that the Media department takes a lot of work.

As you may have noticed we have been doing articles called FPR Mini's and they are meant to inform without requiring us to message the party and clog up your inbox. As you know we have regular events going on through out the month and we could easily send our members 30+ messages a week but we have decided to go the more passive route. The FPR Mini's will be here in-game and on the Federalist Party site; http://fedph.us.

2| Retention- Come Meta Fed style.
by: nick.bergman

So, my good friend and current Party President, Trekker, asked me to be the Retention Director. I said "Yes", which is why I'm writing this for you now. It all started long ago....but that's a story for a different time. At any rate, the game is dying...blah blah blah. I'm here to give you some motivational speech about how you should stay and we'll pat you on the head and give you some supplies to stay with us. Wait, no I'm not!

I'm here to tell those of you who haven't gotten involved in the meta game to give it a shot. What's the worst thing that will happen? We'll say "no"? It's highly unlikely that you will be told no if you want to become more active, help out, or just want to hang out with your Fed brothers and sisters. So, give it a try! We're mostly good people, well, except maybe me, but I'll still help you with your Erepublik dreams if I can! So, if you want to minimize the nonsense and have a good conversation with some of your fellow party members, come check us out.

We have links to everything everywhere! I encourage you to check out our party website: HERE. The links are also at the bottom of every Federalist Press Release. You could also join us on the forums: HERE. If you haven't been there before just request Fed Party access and you'll be on your way. Start a game, a conversation, or just raise the roof. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me with any ideas you'd like to see or if you'd like a job(Fed Job) in the party.

So, come party with us….why not?

3| Fun Zone - dk's Weekly Adventure
by: dk3dknight

Well hello ladies and gentlemen it is I dk3dknight to inform you of the status of the Fun Department.

I will be most direct and distinctiveness to everyone who reads this... I haven't accomplish my own personal goals with the Fun Department, I have maintained it, but not grown it and that kinda pisses me off.  Life has thrown me some curve balls and I haven't quite made a decision yet, but dammit we are going to improve this.

We will be launching some new contests within the next week or so, but that is not why I am talking to you this day.. and no apologizing is also not why im here talking to you today...

As you know the Lucky Lotto has been a long standing tradition of the Fun Department, one that we have not stopped honoring.  This time though we are upping our game.

The Lucky Lotto Jackpots are going to be doubled... the Jackpot number will now pay 500cc, the lucky straight Jackpot has been Mmmmmonsterfied to 1500cc.. OMG

Have I gone cray cray?

Probably but that is okay see because all winnings will be extra lucky for I have a few more surprises in store for you, for this:

So where can you play this EXTRA EXTRA LUCKY LOTTO?
Simplz right here Linky

So grab your favorite most lucky numbers and lets play the LUCKY LOTTO!!!

Q. Does the Lotto Cost monez?
A. No it is free, it complies with all eRepublik rules of conduct.

Q. Does the Lotto Cost Monies?
A. No... why do you keep asking this...

Q. Does it really really really cost no monez?
A. It does not cost anything we do this to share the love of the federalist party.

Q. Do you have to be a fed to play the lotto...
A. The only limitation is that you must have fed Access, if you can see the contest and reply to it, we don't ask any other questions...

Q. WHAA!!!!
A. Yep This rule was created by the great party president Tyler back in the day, and it has never been questioned.. cause it is a sexy rule....

Okay if you have any questions send all threatening letters to dk3dknight

4| Fed Radio - The Week Before Ep. 130SD
by: dk3dknight

Hello ladies and gentlemen, as you know we had a very interesting episode of fedRadio.

In fact some could call it unusually controversial, slightly scary, and some might call Fishy Sticks to the whole thing.

To understand this episode you would need to understand something quite complex, and quite compelling, but also something you have rejected.

One of the best methods that we humans have to understand something is to question it, to study it and wonder why everything thinks its normal...

Now some of you have heard the world elitist or shadow government, those are well incorrect statements to the real eWorld...

You have the Old Guard the ones that have had to fight all the terrible geo political issues in eWorld the ones that are literally the pillars of everything that holds up eRepublik...

The problem is there battles have left scars, deep deep scars the kind that no one but they can understand.

Then you have the New Guard we are the ones that are being risen up to replace the old guard... not that they are going anywhere but they are rising up the new guard.

The problem is that the new guard did not go through the geopolitical issues, the wars, and all the bull that made up the old world, because we didn't.  We don't understand them as well as they think we do for we do not carry your scars or at least not the same ones.

We don't let the fear of history guide our motions.. but we do let the fear of disappointing the old guard guide our motions...

We love yall so much, we have some infinite love and faith in yall, but we just don't get it, but we don't want to fail in your eyes...

We have such drive you see, we want to try things differently, we want to solve issues in unique methods, we want to explore the possibility, we see the impossible as opportunity...

We have a entrepreneur spirit but damn we are afraid of failing you so much.. so things stay the same.. nothing risked nothing gained...

In this episode we question this, to better understand ourselves and where we are what brought us to these crossroads...

Today we understand that we are not going to agree on the future of the eWorld or what is the best course of action... but instead from this what can we take, what do we learn from this conversation...

Now to the meat and potatoes the thing wrong with this episode of fedRadio, and DON"T YOU DARE CLICK IT TILL YOU READ THIS...

The ultimate failure in this episode is that we failed to have a member of the old guard to offer their views.. having a one sided argument is not as useful and not as meaningful.  THIS IS THIS EPISODES FAILURE!



Thank and please watch this with a heavy heart and know that this only represents one side of the argument I need to do this again but with someone who can counter point us...

With that I say Adu and remember old guard we love yall.

Busy Lifestyle takes this episode to go
5| Introducing the new Media Deputy Director - Orikfricai
by: Orikfricai

When Scott asked me to become his Deputy, at first, I was shocked. As I sat there, I began to introspect my feelings on the matter. Why would anybody pick ME to be their Deputy? "Surely, there must be better candidates", I thought. After thinking for a while, only more questions arose. "If I'm seriously thinking of doing this, certainly I must be sure it's something I want", I told myself. So, I got to thinking...Why am I a Fed? Why am I a SHIELD agent? Am I steadfast enough in my commitment to the party to take such a position?

I am a Fed because Fed is family. On my return to Erepublik, I felt like a lone fish in the wide, blue ocean, surrounded on all sides by this party or that party. This Military Unit or that one. To which would I place my allegiance? To where would I lay my head and call home? Luckily for me, these questions were answered. I forget now exactly which member of the Fed Party reached out to me, but I am forever grateful. For you, unknown guardian, were the light upon my darkened path, guiding me towards the promised land.

After arriving at Fed headquarters, I was greeted by, then Party President, Evil Elvis, and shortly thereafter, most everyone else. I was immediately inundated with immense amounts of information about SHIELD and it's new program HAMMER. Upon reading all that was provided to me, I knew it was a match also.

So, after joining the Fed and it's MU SHIELD (and it's training program HAMMER), I set about the arduous task of making a name for myself. I immediately put out as many feelers as I could. My first assignment, now, feels like destiny, as it was the Media Department that gave me my first call back. Write an article, they said. And so, as my first assignment, I transcribed an interview I had with Old Fed, MourningStar.

After joining SHIELD and HAMMER, I have reaped the benefits of the program. I've upgraded my training centers (mostly), participated in Joint Strikes (thanks Wookyjack), and completed many HAMMER objectives. I am currently a Cadet Sergeant, waiting on just the right candidate to recruit to complete my last objective for Cadet Captain.

So, back to my existential crisis! I am a Fed because being a Fed is like being in a family. I can count any among us as my brothers and sisters. Same with being in SHIELD. If I was ever in need, I know they'd have my back. Because of that, I know this is definitely something I want to do. What better way to honor my family then to give back? And what better way to give back than to loan some of my creative prowess to the institution that keeps us all up to date on the happenings of the Party. Yeah, I'm sure there are probably some higher profile candidates, but I know that I'm the right person for the job and I'm extremely grateful to be given this opportunity to give back to the Party and Unit that's given me so much.

Deputy Director of the Media Department
6| Recruiting - Why Dave's Here
by: Dave Gulya

Hello Feds, my name is Dave Gulya and I am the new Recruitment Director of the Federalist Party; I am also the Press Secretary under Tyler Bubblar and the USAF Operational Commander. I wanted to take some time and explain why and how I came to be a Proud and Horny Federalist.

I left AMP because their activity dwindled to near death. I was serving as Chief of Staff and tried to spurn some activity and even eventually took over Recruiting in order to try to keep things going. When I let the PP know that I was thinking of leaving, he simply responded that he wasn't surprised.

I sought out an active Party that would allow me to do things, that would encourage me to be involved and a place that I would feel wanted and needed. It's something that I think we all want in this meta portion of the game. After all,Community is what it's all about, isn't it? Opportunity is what I am all about, it's been the foundation for my run as Country President.
Stay tuned for a special Recruiting Contest in the coming days!

7| Political - Important Updates
by: Media Department

The Deadline is under 11 Hours Away so Make sure to get your Nominations in ...

Sunday, November 9th, 2014 @ 9:00CST | eRepublik date: 2546 @ 19:00

Fed Radio Aires tonight at
20:00 CST - 18:00 eRep
Co-Hosted by dk3dknight & Scott Coyle

This week is the return of the
1 Hour Live Show and 1 Hour After Show

The Deadline is under 2 Hours Away so Make sure to get your Votes in ...

Sunday, November 9th, 2014 @ 12:00CST | eRepublik date: 2546 @ 10:00

Paid for by Massive Amounts of P/H Pride