For Shame

Day 926, 22:35 Published in India United Kingdom by Devoid

What a hairy election this has been.

this hairy

You probably all saw my last article, and probably Pheenic's too. In short, just yesterday HS1975 declared his candidacy for president, and was given the designation of "official" candidate by a couple Indian leaders, including the president. This of course flies in the face of established Indian custom and democracy itself, nevermind the fact that it causes a contested election, which then greatly increases the risk of India being PTOed.

I had a whole lot of ideas for India. I thought I could improve a whole lot of things here. But I have never been given a fair chance. It seems to me that even if I am here another year, I will not be given a fair chance. Perhaps the ruling establishment feels threatened by the fact that I am not one of them. Perhaps they really are so xenophobic that they will not trust a non-RL-Indian with the power of the presidency (though at least one e😜resident is RL American, plus the almighty david forde is UK, the military head is Dutch, the NPF Commander is Croatian...). I do not truly know.

But I do know that they are willing to jeopardize the security of this country by causing a divided election on the day before candidates are locked in. How ironic that it is the RL Indians who will endanger their country, yet it is the RL American who will not take that chance. Do they truly think I would be a worse president than Stephen van Joergborg? I doubt that very much. So I am forced to conclude that this is about power, and that this leadership would rather lose the country itself to PTOers than to lose their grip on power.

As despicable a power play this may be, someone must be the bigger man. If they are willing to risk India's very existence for power, I am not. I hereby concede the election, and I hope you will all go vote for HS1975 to keep India safe from PTO. I am not willing to take the chance that this country falls as a result of internal turmoil. Nor am I willing to continue attempting to lead in a nation that simply will not allow me to. After the election I will be setting off to another country. I will keep in touch with those whom I have grown to like here, and I truly do wish India the best in the future.

Shame upon the Indian leaders who have brought the situation to this point. Namely, HS1975, and those pulling the strings behind the scenes, Abhi347 and shail.back.

People of India, I hope you will take this to heart in the future. I hope you will think long and hard about your leadership, and whether or not they truly have the best interests of the nation in mind.