For Mr. President

Day 1,185, 05:30 Published in Austria Austria by OmuNegru9

I'm not going to start and argue again with people around here. But there are some things that I can't leave with no answer.

Yesterday I've wrote an article in which I've expressed my opinion on how we can help eAustria economy. Some smart guys (I bet they don't have a clue about economy in RL) replyed with some stupid comments but that doesn't matter, I'm used to it since Stoneman was MoF. Also our president replyed :

"From what you're saying it seems to me that eAustria is like a girl who's selling her body for cash every night instead of finding a job."
-> Exactly this is our position, so what? eAustria is exactly this and was this for a long time and until we get a babyboom, this position will not change, so you should start realizing or move on.

Let me tell you something. I live in eAustria for 2 years. I'm not an asian muppet who moved in here to win some congress medals and then move on. I've tried to help this country like others tried to but we couldn't. Wanna know why ? Because every time some smart guy who is MoF or MoE or even president has batter ideas. And guess what, their ideas are stupid. And when they realized that, when they see they can't do anything good they leave silently. Those people don't care about eAustria. And because of those people eAustria is like that.

"I just wonder what are you going to do with all that gold you get from renting our regions, because people are leaving eAustria."
-> Gold is needed for a new MPP and this money we wouldnt get over taxes even we would hold our regions. If you would follow the press, you would know this and you would know why we cannot sign a MPP yet.

The reason you can't get this gold from taxes is because you put your friends as ministers even if they don't have a clue about economy and finances and others. You put him there because he's your friend.
If eAustria had all her right regions then the resources bonuses will be 10% for food companys and 5% for weapons companys. And if we swop regions we don't need with our neighbours then we can get 20% for food companys, 25% for grain companys, 15% for weapons companys and 25% for iron companys. Do you know what that meens ? It meens people will open new companys, new jobs, cheap products, more exports, market will be more active, you will get more money from taxes. Not to mention that when you swop regions you get fights.

Mr. Penegrin : "You miss the most obvious point: we can not defend a rented region. Everybody can start a RW in any region at any time. And there is just no way we can defend a region in a RW. And even if we would the costs would be a lot higher than any benefit we might have... "

Do you think one guy can win a RW ? How about 10 ? If you have an agreement with your neighbour and swop regions do you think they will start a RW ? And even so what's the problem ? You get free fight, no MPP needed.
"Ohhh sorry, I didn't know you, the president of eAustria also left this country ... good luck but I can see you failed"
-> Bitchmode enabled? If you can't handle the facts, you can move along. I left 2 days ago because of fighting issues and help countries who helped us in the past too. And if I fail, I am able to realize and take the consequences, you see fails without realizing your own obvious fail.

No mode enabled. Only "I fight against profiteers". I'm not moving. I'm staying here and try to help this country. I'm not like you. You've seen there's nothing to do in eAustria and move quickly. Why don't you stay here, work for 10-15 ATS, buy food from here ? You moved becaused fighting issues. For you is more important to help other countrys then helping the one you lead ? You are like a captain who left the ship before it sinks. You are the last one who should leave eAustria.
I may failed, but I'm not the president.

That's all I have to say. I'm going to be silent for now. But I hope some people will wake up and start do something against this kind of people, against those who came here just to make a name, reach president and then move on.